funeralxempire wrote:
IsabellaLinton wrote:
My younger cat (and my dog) go bananas for the smell of pizza. My dog is allergic to everything on pizza including the wheat, the cheese, the milk, and most toppings. My cat can't have it because it's a grain. So they both get banished to another room when I indulge in pizza.

I've noticed several of the cats on Claire Luvcats/Kittisaurus go nuts for pizza. Apparently cats love bread because they like the taste of yeast.
I don't know if I'd trust me to look after pets that aren't plush.

Oh, I added you on Discord ages ago, if you ever sign on.
She goes nuts for anything. For the first few months she would eat soap bubbles from the sink, lettuce, spinach, raspberries, apple .... absolutely anything she could reach. I think she was high on the carbs from her dry kitten kibble. Once I cut the dry food and put her on high protein / high fat like a carnivore, she's been wayyyy more calm and satiated.
Unless of course I order pizza.
I should note that she does get a few veg in her food - bits of pumpkin, cranberry, etc. -- just not any grains.
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.