Edna3362 wrote:
Allergies are basically reactions of immune system overreacting to supposedly harmless stuff.
It severity of symptoms can variously range from plain aesthetic, annoying, inconvenient, concerning, painful, to fatal.
While one can simply enumerate the symptoms -- one also had to determine if the symptoms are made due to the immune system vs allergen instead of something else entirely...
Never had an allergy test myself. I would wanna know.
I may be misdiagnosed -- I looked like I have a case of chronic allergy instead of chronic idiopathic symptom.
It was thought that I'm allergic to cold and dust along with other stuff... I'm not.
It's my physiological sensitivities, hormonal swings and it's sensitivity, the manner of unavoidable physics and possibly my anatomy.
Very likely nothing to do with my immune system or any overreaction of it.