I did a bit of digging, and now think you went with Fox just to troll me or something.
Fnord wrote:
Dude, that is all old news. Did you know that already 1 in 500 Americans has died from COVID-19? Regardless, the Fox presentation seems to count all deaths since Covid as Covid deaths.
Johns Hopkins University reported Wednesday 663,970 people have died during the pandemic. With the US population of 331.4 million for the April 2020 US Census, that is 1 in 500 people, according to CNN.
but going to the CNN article that Fox linked to, they are more clear and direct, or possibly more dishonest.
As of Tuesday night, 663,913 people in the US have died of Covid-19, according to Johns Hopkins University data. According to the US Census Bureau, the US population as of April 2020 was 331.4 million.
one thing we can do do clear this up is check the total death rate for the same period of time before COVID, that should clear it right up.