I voted yes, I would go back in time to when I was born, except somehow just know of certian mistakes i would make in the future, live my full life, enjoy every moment in childhood, and do the right things then. The most important thing would be to go back and just enjoy my early life, i think about it constantly.
hmm, the killing hitler paradox would be interesting, i would assume without WW2 i would not be here, as my grandfathers would have never met my grandmothers, that would not be good, for me anyways. without ww2 we would not have things such as nuclear power and jets, also, and this is true, a forget his name, but this man was a rocket scientist for the nazi's during the war, he built the first ballistic missle, known as the v2. People from britan were the unfortunate victums of this horrible weapon, very complex, this man used slave labor to build these weapons, and after the war ended, and the US and the Soviets were trying to find these scientists to help them obtain nazi technology (the nazi's had the best technology at that time) and to make a long story short these guys were responsible for horrible atrocities, did they pay for their crimes? no, instead they were taken in by these nations, and put to work, u can thank a nazi for getting us to the moon, he built the v2 and escaped sentancing because the US needed rocket technology, b4 the moon, their needed to be a way to hit the soviets with our new atom bomb.
sorry for the long story that kinda went off topic, i like ww2
DX'ed with HFA as a child. However this was in 1987 and I am certain had I been DX'ed a few years later I would have been DX'ed with AS instead.