babybird wrote:
I asked a one armed man if he needed a hand. This has happened twice in my life with two different people.
It kind of just comes out and I realise what I'm saying but the words just won't stop.
They take it in good part of course because it's probably been said to them more times than I've said it.
When we used to live in the village, we lived opposite a man with one arm who was a good friend. We would often say "Do you want a hand" without thinking.
One year the insurance man came and brought us a pair of goats. We did not know much about goats and one of them was a nanny that needed to be milked. The insurance man was concerned for the goats safety after he had them in his field which was on the hill and we had bad snow so he could not get there to see to them, and knowing we had land with our cottages he brought them to us to ensure they would be safe.
Now my Mum had never milked a goat before. Her sister had but she had moved a good 50 miles away from here and in those days not many people had phones so the only way to contact her was by letter whic would take a few days, and we did not have transport, and there were no direct transport links to where she was (My uncle was a farmer which is how my aunt would know how to milk).
So my Mum decided to go down tothe village phone box and phone the vet to come out and show her. While she descended the steep path down the bank to get to the road, the neighbour opposite saw her, and asked what was wrong so she told him.
He said "I will show you how to milk a goat". It turns out he had to do milking as a child before he went to school and after he got home from school.
Now he showed my Mum, and she quickly picked it up.
Unknown to her the two goats who was a milking nanny and her goat son who was pretty young... Well. We did not realize that the little one despite being so young could get the nanny pregnant, so we ended up with more goats and it went from there.
My Mum spent hours a day milking. Later we had a machine, as Mum had issues with her hands back then.
But one day many years later, one of her friends who also had goats came to pay her a visit, and Mum said she had to go and milk them and her friend asked if it was ok to join her.
Her friend watched her and was puzzled. "Why do you only use one hand?" she asked.
My Mum did not know. She had never thought about it, and it had never occurred to her that one could use two hands to milk a goat.
Then she worked out why. The guy who trained her only had one hand. Also my Mum kinda takes things literally and copies exactly what she has been taught.
When she used two hands, the milking took half the time!