let me tell ya, I got a DWI in 2005, and its not plesant, its stupid, and i was young and stupid, (2 years later, and im older, hahah) but anyways, the point is its not fair to those on the road, i was in collage at the time, and behaved like an animal, did it all the time and i was caught, good thing, cause i learned very important lessons, others safety, my own, dangers, the fact that having a licsence is a previlage and not a right. He screwed up, good guy or not, if u drink, DONT drive, plain and simple, hell have to spend thousands of $$$ for a lawer, court fees, rehab, testing, and when all that is done in NYS anyways the liscince renewal after all that was over $300 for me.
Worse case scinario: U kill an innocent person, how can u live with yourself then, just cause u had that extra drink, ill never do that again.
DX'ed with HFA as a child. However this was in 1987 and I am certain had I been DX'ed a few years later I would have been DX'ed with AS instead.