I went through similar last year, when I finally sorted about 5,000 photos which were stashed in drawers and old albums all over my house. My goal was to make new photo albums in chronological order, and get rid of unwanted memories. Hundreds of the photos were very distressing. I chose to cut them with scissors and be done with them. A few of them had other "good" people in the same photo so I did the adolescent thing of cutting people out, literally. That being said, none of the traumatic people were family members. It must be an awkward call for you to make.
- Are there any pictures that bring you neutral memories rather than bad?
- Do you have a scanner? I'm thinking you might want to copy just one or two of the pictures for reference, and get rid of any upsetting originals so they won't be "cluttering" your world in a tangible way.
- Getting rid of originals can be therapeutic. I used scissors but I've heard of other people burning photos or having some kind of closure in another grand gesture.
- If you choose to keep them, you might want to seal them all in a box so you know you won't accidentally look at them, or feel triggered when you don't expect it.
We can be your family, Jakki. No one is without family when they belong here.
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.