nick007 wrote:
Misslizard wrote:
People here sometimes call them water bugs.It’s considered more polite to the person that has an infestation.
Having roaches implies you are not a good house keeper.That is not true, a friend moved into a house that already a good sized roach population and she was a very fastidious person.
Once I bought a loaf of bread at the store and when I got it home there was a very large healthy roach living inside the bag.Thank goodness I saw it before we made sandwiches.
I'm from Louisiana & water-bugs are something different than roaches there. Water-bugs are some kinda beetle like creatures that appear in swimming pools & they bite people. Roaches show up in homes to eat your food. It's common for homes to have roaches even if the homes are pretty new & very clean. I think the Louisiana climate is great for roaches. I've been living in Vermont for the last 9 years & I have never seen any roaches here. My girlfriend saw one when we were visiting my parents & she wasn't even sure what it was because she never sees roaches up here. Her parents house is in a rural area & falling apart & house keeping was majorly lacking & they had mice & rats but no roaches.
We have a water bug that skates on the water here ,but they don’t bite.When I lived near the Louisiana border there were flying cockroaches.I think some people call them Palmetto bugs.
I am the dust that dances in the light. - Rumi