I used to be able to find things in google. I used to be able to do this kind of search
buffy episode andrew kills jonathan
or this
buffy episode jonathan dies
buffy episode Seal of Danzalthar andrew jonathan
buffy andrew kills jonathan episode seal
Any one of these should pull the plot summary and display it with the episode title and number. Then there should be dozens of links to essentially the same thing, as people have discussed this series over and over for decades.
I can find articles about "the five most significant deaths in buffy", in which this death is mentioned as one of the five most important, WITHOUT NAMING IT.
This is the universe teasing me.
I now fully expect one or more of you to look for it and trivially find it. PLEASE DON'T DO THAT.
Your universe can be perfectly ordered and rational while simultaneously mine is completely f****d up. THAT IS THE POINT. That yours is functional and mine is not is gaslighting. I am supposed to doubt myself. Please don't help the universe do that to me.
In the episode, Jonathan wonders what his past classmates are up to and wishes them well, though they've all been pretty mean to him. Andrew tells him that none of them are thinking about him and they don't give a crap. It's kinda the story of my life. I would like to have found it.