I used to mess with my boss’ phone at work. Sometimes I’d tape the little plastic tabs down, so when it rang and he picked up the phone, it kept ringing. Sometimes I’d remove the earpiece and put some paper in it… so whoever was ringing could hear him, but he couldn’t hear them. Sometimes I’d put the paper in the mouthpiece, so he could hear them but they couldn’t hear him.
One Christmas I parcelled the whole phone up in wrapping paper and left it like a present.
He also had a little plastic shaker with artificial sweeteners in. He’d always shake it… to check it was full… and then press the top to pop two sweeteners in his coffee. I dismantled it and blocked it with some paper. He’d shake it, click it twice… no sweeteners… he’d just keep doing it and no result.
He was just clueless and never really worked out what was going on.
Steve J
Unkind tongue, right ill hast thou me rendered
For such desert to do me wreak and shame