naturalplastic wrote:
"Shooting stars" arent literally "stars" in the modern sense (ie 'suns'), but meteors. Usually natural rocks falling out of space, but they could also be space age man made junk too nowadays.
Meteors dont glow until they hit the atmosphere maybe fifty miles up. So no one in the US is going to see the same shooting star as someone in Wales sees. But other Wales locals might have reported it.
The strange thing is I saw at least one helicopter and also a light aircraft spending ages going back and fore in the area near where the thing came down but they were at the wrong angle, so there is a bit more to this. The helicopter was a military green colour but seemed like a private type helicopter (As in one that wealthy private individuals would buy) but was the same green that the military uses. I was told they use light aircraft for servaliance purposes as they are cheaper to keep in the air and move slower so can see things better. I heard a light aircraft flying back and fore in that direction but did not see it as it was just out of sight so must have been flying rather low, so there definately was something, but I know the helicopter was looking a little too far east, but was otherwize fairly close... Just needed to shift over a few miles.
Strangely looked almost exactly like this (Below) but was more of a vertical falling angle and the second smaller one by the side appeared at the same angle and distance from it, but appeared about 10 seconds later?