I hate this time of year, and this year is worse than ever. The city traffic is worse than ever, everyone is stressed out and acting like bigger idiots than usual, and of course, disease is running rampant. I don't understand why there is so much pressure to spend winter holidays with family when most people absolutely cannot stand their family and would rather slit their own throat than be with them at all. At least that's not a problem with my own family, we don't end up in a huge, literal fight trying to force each other's political and religious opinions down each other's throats. Maybe that's more of a American thing. But being around large noisy, germ-ridden groups of people overloads my senses and makes me bored and stressed no matter what, so I stay away from all of that no matter what.
If we're all still alive and healthy by December 24th, then I'll be able to relax and enjoy the holiday somewhat. Or at least be able to mask that I'm enjoying it.