The claim of a human footprint on a trilobite is bogus.
The print -- an alleged human footprint -- is very shallow and shows no sign of pressure deformation or foot movement at its margin. However, on one side of the print, extending to the side of the supposed toe end is a rim or lip that is typical of similar concretions from the area, but which is incompatible in position and form to be a pressure ridge. Also, of the two halves of rock, the side that has the heel indented shows raised relief at the toe end, and vice versa, whereas in a real print one should show impression or raised relief throughout each half.
According to the Natural History Museum of Utah, the fossil of trilobites was genuine, while the footprints were not. It was "nothing more than a slab of Wheeler shale that had a fragment spalled off in the form of a footprint, which revealed a trilobite, Elrathia kingi."
The theory created by creationists has no physical evidence to prove it . . .
Source: This "Hows & Whys" Article