Okay. First of all thank you all for sharing your thoughts and feelings about all the threads. I care alot about your thoughts and feelings and thats why I created this thread just for that. I'm naturally not a very sympathetic / empathic person due to my high functioning autism. However, I am trying to improve about that and thats why I made this thread, to improve my empathy. Yeah, sounds weird, but its true. I hope you are not shocked by that, and you are okay with that. Other than that, I'd like to tell you a few other things.
Basically, what I wanted to tell you also, is, sometimes I create threads out of boredom or out of curiousity to hear other people's opinions. Some questions have a very varied answer and can be answered in many different ways, but the main thing is, people look at things differently and thats why they think differently. Thats the beauty of creating a thread with a normal, simple question, and getting various different answers. Because, everyone looks at it in a different way and the answers become very varied thanks to that.
With all that being said, I dont regret creating the threads, because I believe I brought alot of much needed activity around the forums. However, in regards to our God Alex Plank, he might be angry about it right now. Who knows. If he is reading this, I hope he is okay with all the threads, and he wont delete them, or something of that nature. Talking about Alex Plank, does he still visit here from time to time?
Its just the same with the threads and the questions, you answer here in a very varied manner and the way you look at the threads shows how varied this community can be. Thats the beauty of the community here it seems, the fact its so varied. Just... wow. I'm basically glad I joined.
Kisses, mates. I gotta hurry to do a few important things. I have to see my Psychiatrist today and get a few things sorted out, and I'm also hungry, so I'll eat something on the way to my doctor. See you around of course. Big love. And yeah, the fact I care alot about your feelings and thoughts is real. Thats the reality. Its not a joke and you're not dreaming.