Instrument person / Party chief (land surveying and civil engineering)
Draftsperson (land surveys, civil engineering, geologic base maps)
Graphic designer / Illustator, portrait and cartoon artist in the carnival biz
Geologist's assistant
Food prep / cook (dabbled in the restaurant biz, owned/operated a fast food outlet)
Dock worker (part-time, loaded / unloaded 18-wheelers to help pay for college)
Sod-laying / landscaping (casual employment)
Counter person at a store (BAD choice!)
Box office cashier at a movie theater (that wasn't so bad)
Factory worker (casual employment)
Berry picker (blue berries, -casual employment)
Tree planter / tree nursery worker (contract)
Urethane molder (casual employment)
Construction (casual employment)
Woodworker (I really liked it until the work ran out )
Personal Support Worker (in health care... but that's another story)
Crew foreperson for a lanscaping crew (You know what? I actually enjoyed that challenge. Contract employment.)
Taxi driver (no other alternative at the time; didn't want to apply for welfare)
Lab prep technician (ore samples)
Volunteer (did that at a local food bank and at a blues festival), presently on the executive of a local speaker's club
If "manners maketh man" as someone said
Then he's the hero of the day
It takes a man to suffer ignorance and smile
Be yourself no matter what they say
**Sting, Englishman In New York