Recidivist wrote:
Sillylilgoober wrote:
transautistic people are neurotypical people who want to be autistic. theses people fall under the transabled umbrella (i think) which was invented by radqueers (a community/cult) i believe these transautistic people are invalid but what are yall's opinion
Don't know enough to have views on transautistic but your definition is not the only one available.
As for transabled , another name for it is Body Integrity Identity Disorder, which is very real although rare.
There are able bodied folks who...THINK that they are disabled. Thats what I THINK body integrity disorder is.
Then there are able bodied folks who know they are able bodied but WANT to be disabled. That WANT to be lame or crippled because...they think its cool ...or something. Incredible as that sounds there are rare individuals like that. Saw a lady who wanted to parapalegic on TV once.
So if THAT person exists then it wouldnt be surprising that there are some folks who migh WANT to be afflicted with a more subtle handicap ...something more en vogue than just needing braces and a wheel chair. So why not autism?
Takes all kinds to make a world I guess.
Hard to understand though.