India Dental Tour
I would like your opinion/advice about travelling to India to get my teeth fixed. I'm 65yo and have very few real teeth left. My gums are too sensitive to take dentures. So, within 5 years or so, I'll be toothless and broke.
But there's this idea of getting the dental work done in India. I know *nothing* about this and would appreciate anything from you. I live in Montreal, Canada, It's a 14-18 hour plane trip. Fare: it seems to be about the cost of 2 root canals.
Then, if I arrive in India, I could get implants at 10% or 20% the cost here. That is surgery but the reputation seems to be good.
I don't know about recovery - should I try to recovery with painkillers for a week in a hotel in India, or should I just hop a plane back home, equally with painkillers. I think I should have a dentist nearby at first.
Anybody - do you know anything at all about this?