That's him! I remember when in school we had to walk two miles (As a school) to go to plant trees in a tree planting ceremony (Which were mowed down within a few months to a year by a local athority employee who didn't care) and on the way we saw someone had thrown a phone handset (The bit one picked up and held) which was wrapped round the electricity lines by its chord, and one teacher said to the other something like "Buzby is calling" pointing at the phone. They laughed and as young kids we remembered it. I think I was around seven or eight at the time. As a school we would regularly walk a few miles. Busses were only provided if we had around six miles each way to cover, as it would take too long to walk, especially if we were young. Younger than six or seven would still be expected to walk half a mile. Only one teacher for 30 kids was normal in those days due to strict discipline. Strict but fair. It wasn't like stories of out and out beatings. Even when I spent most of the year age 5 locked in a room on my own unknown to my Mum because a teacher had a difference of oppinion, I was only hit or shook occasionally and then not too severe. I just thought it was "Normal" to be locked in a room on my own, but I don't know what happened to my dinner money as I rarely had dinner. It did save me from the bullying of the year before by a classmate so I found it a relief to be on my own. Just boring sitting there with nothing to do but play with my daydreamy thoughts!