WrongPlanet slam book-- say what you think about others here

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23 Aug 2007, 3:10 pm

Say what you think about other members!

username88-- you and me are 2 peas in a pod! I really REALLY hope you're legit because I really want to hang out with you! I would understand your social anxiety and you would understand mine, and so we would never get impatient with each other or insult each other, or stress each other out. :D

Icarus_Falling-- I am so relieved and impressed by your honesty! I felt immediately comfortable around you when you said that you ahd a crush on all the girls on WP, and your wife knew it but understood. You aren't afraid to say what you think... you'll criticise me in one thread and compliment me in another. :D

Cultus_Diabolus, aka mocomon-- I'm a bit concerned about you sitting around all the time and smoking pot, but I'm so jealous of you getting disability and not having to work so you can just go to the beach with your friends and do fun things all the time!

Cervantes-- you live in Edmonton like me, but don't seem very eager to meet... you seem like the type who is more into his obsessions and just uses this board when he has problems... I know how you feel though; I used to (sometimes) be (kind of) the same way.

Aradford-- you are wild and crazy and I LOVE it! You are so frank it can get you into trouble sometimes, but you hide it SOOOO well, you're so bold and that somehow seems NT-like, and that's what makes you seem intimidating sometimes! You are talented at blending in, at using your autism to get all the NTs to love you, you're a genius, you are wise and smart and savvy, and I love it!

MADuck-- did I spell that right? Anyway, I feel a kinship with you, and all because you were in the military and are not anymore, and you felt so happy and relieved when the doc said you had very severe depression and prescribed you citalopram HBr... I was also so happy when my doc said I was very severely depressed and prescribed me citalopram HBr! I get stressed about everyday things too and stress that I may lose my job and hence my income, so you are a lot like me! I love your sense of huimor too, it just made me almost chuckle out loud when you said all you needed was plenty of guns, girls and citalopram.

Star-- another wise person... or at least informed and experienced enough to know how to intimidate people with your Aspie wisdom, which is more intimidating to me than a lot of NT wisdom! It is such a rare treat seeing an older person on WP, an older person informed about AS, an older person who admits they have AS, and knows how to deal with it and council younger people with AS. You have developed a special kind of tact. :) An Aspie kind of tact, but NT enough, You seem to get good from both worlds.

tygereyes-- you are very very articulate about your depression and I can identify with so many of your depressive traits. You helped save my sanity.

poopylungstuffing-- never talked to you but you seem very funny and amusing and jolly, I dunno why! I think it's more than just the name!

richardbenson-- you sort of give me the creeps, but maybe it's just social anxiety... I know I look like a creep when I have severe social anxiety. Maybe you need some citalopram, I know it helped me muchly with social anxiety!

Kilroy-- I don't know much about you, but I hope you're happy.

cosmiccat-- you seem a bit stressed and temperamental, but you're the type of person who forgives. Like, if I say something that you dislike, you'll say so, but if I inspire you to get out of bed in the morning, you'll be honest about that too. I like that about you. :D

TheMachine1-- thank you so much for not banning me! I know I can be a handful! :D

krex-- you and TheMachine1 are born to be WP moderators; both of you seem to have a penchant for spotting mental disorders in posters! Krex diagnosed me with ADD and TheMachine1 diagnosed me with bipolar... lol... and you moderators have a way of fitting in and being just like us that makes you the best webboard moderators I've ever seen, and I've been on HUNDREDS of webboards... and I mean this LITERALLY! :)

I KNOW I forgot a lot of people... I'll remember them in my next post!


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23 Aug 2007, 3:26 pm

I get the smallest line :(

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23 Aug 2007, 3:38 pm

cosmiccat-- you seem a bit stressed and temperamental, but you're the type of person who forgives. Like, if I say something that you dislike, you'll say so, but if I inspire you to get out of bed in the morning, you'll be honest about that too. I like that about you. Very Happy

What? Me stressed? What? Me temperamental?

Ana, you are a darling. I LOVE your honesty. I just don't want to see you get into trouble, that's all.
You are a breath of fresh air. An angelic little devil. :)


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23 Aug 2007, 4:16 pm

Oh, Cosmiccat, I meant it literally when I said a little stressed and remperamental... I meant for an online poster... the online posters I'm used to be around are so used to not saying what they really mean and keeping everything flat! :) I'm rather flattered that you care enough about me not to want me to get in trouble, but I had to get out my opiniins; I think I'd be in more trouble if I wasn't honest! :D

I also forgot these people... some I've talked to in PMs, some I haven't.

siuan-- you seem so sensible that you intimidate me a little! I'm impressed by your knowledge and sense, but sometimes I think if I tried to get to know you the slight difference in our personalities would really show and you'd try to talk some sense into me or soemthing... ater all, you don't seem to be a wild and crazy girl like me! But maybe you have a wild side, but still you might feel morally or scientifically obligated to keep it tame! :D

Brittany(bunch of numbers)-- you remind me a lot of me! I can't explain how, you just do!

Kilroy, you seem cautious and/or introverted and/or unmotivated... but you seem to be trying to get your life in order and I think you really want excitement underneath it all!

Graelwyn-- my name is Kate like you... lol, my real name isn't Ana! You seem like a sensible/logical person whose fun-loving side is dying to come out... same with Siuan, same with many others here, perhaps the same with Kilroy too.

Smelena-- self-centered like me, and I've been told off for being self-centered too! Man, it was a NASTY SHOCK, just like it was for you! If I were you I'd have had to double my dose of my anti-d's! I feel for you... you and me are two peas in a pod. Never become embarrassed or ashamed or humble or modest or any of that s**t, just be yourself, okay? ;) And you'll be loved by people like you! Which is all that counts!


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23 Aug 2007, 4:23 pm

Oh, my fun loving side comes out :twisted: but only with those know me well or I know well and trust enough to show it. I mean, I am the sort who likes to leave remote controlled fart machines under shelves in supermarkets.
You named Kate initially or is it short for something as my full name is Katharine?


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23 Aug 2007, 4:26 pm

Ana54 wrote:
Graelwyn-- my name is Kate like you... lol, my real name isn't Ana!

I was sure your name is Anastasia :lol: Btw, when I had my confirmation in church 8 years ago and we had to choose names I chose Anastazja :D


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23 Aug 2007, 4:31 pm

Anastassia Florine is an alias I used to use on the internet for protection... and Graelwayn, my name is Katherine/Katharine... yep, it says Katherine on some of my ID and papers and Katharine on others! :P

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23 Aug 2007, 4:38 pm

Ana wrote:

Oh, Cosmiccat, I meant it literally when I said a little stressed and remperamental... I meant for an online poster... the online posters I'm used to be around are so used to not saying what they really mean and keeping everything flat! Smile I'm rather flattered that you care enough about me not to want me to get in trouble, but I had to get out my opiniins; I think I'd be in more trouble if I wasn't honest! Very Happy

I wasn't offended by what you said. I was amazed that you had such keen insight into my personality. I am stressed most of the time, haven't really relaxed since 1976 :lol: and I am quite temperamental.

I'm an artist. Neurotic and extremely sensitive or highly temperamental. Comes with the territory.
As to your getting into trouble, I wasn't suggesting you should not get your opinions out. But admitting to security violations is putting yourself out a little too far. It could come back to bite you. I know it's fun to take risks, just be careful. There are some people who live to make trouble for others. It's their only joy in life. They could be on WP as they certainly are IRL.


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23 Aug 2007, 4:46 pm

Oh Im flattered lol=p

I guess Ill talk a little bit about some of the people I know..
Kilroy, your the best bud an aspie can have :D Really man you are.
Ana, your a nut, and I love it! :lol: Very paranoid too for some reason.
Goat Man, you sent me a random pm one day, was there a deeper meaning to it?
Cultus_Diabolus, I like your sn a lot, and thats all I really know about you.


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23 Aug 2007, 4:48 pm

...think of other people?


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23 Aug 2007, 4:49 pm

Oh yes, I forgot:

CockneyRebel-- sounds like a fun person, tho I never talked to her.

Flagg-- take a chill pill, man! Hve you been harmed and made a fool of and that's what's making you sensitive? So you want people to see you as intimidating, dangerous, not to be messed with? I feel your pain; I really do. If you want to talk about it please do; we're a shameless bunch here, this is a confessional society, just get it out.

Irulan-- our shared obsession with Auschwitz may create a bond between us... if I could pick one person with whom to get persecuted and sent to a concentration camp during an Aspie holocaust, it would be you! :D

Cosmiccat, I know what you mean, I sometimes feel like I'm overdoing it too and it may kill me or something... I've been cautious like Flagg for so long it hurt and I just exploded, I guess! It was save my life or save my soul, and I chose to save my soul. I felt like if I didn't get some sort of stimulation I would be worse-than-physically-dead, and I believe I helped save my own life in that way by taking stupid risks! Nothing has happened to me yet... if they do, my soul isn't dead, I'm over the worst for now so I'll be able to deal with it!


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23 Aug 2007, 5:11 pm

Ana- Make me think of a squirrel on speed...have so much energy, so much to say, no worries about what anyone says about you, so you are clearly at a point where words no longer bother you, sometimes maybe too honest for the liking of some, but that's refreshing in a way. Full of big ideas and don't care if they never come to fruition as the fun is in the planning and the plotting.

Machine1- Logic with a heart.

Kilroy-Can come across as too nice, but has the biggest heart of anyone on here. Not seen a nasty side yet, tho I am sure it is lurking there somewhere. Fun to roleplay with.

Starr-Spiritual, sweet, needs a lot of space, keeps a lot to herself rather than sharing, maybe for fear of ridicule.

Sinsboldly-Wise, but straight and direct, lot of inner pain still, if I might say that...needs to get writing that book! :D

Don't really have any insights into others right now.


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23 Aug 2007, 5:12 pm

Oh! How cool is that?
I got an 11:11 post. Not had that in a while.
I love 11:11, it has relevance in spiritual terms. 8)


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23 Aug 2007, 6:42 pm

richard benson is a good bloke - he is staying off the booze at the moment, and I think he's become much easier to talk to, and more interesting, as a result. Not everyone finds it easy to communicate here on WP and meds, legal drugs and illegal drugs sometimes make things worse, though true enough sometimes they make it better too. Giving up alcohol is one of those things that sounds easy until you have to do it.

I don't always agree with what Richard says, but if everyone agreed all of the time then we'd never learn anything. Top marks for giving up drinking, I wish I had the guts.

The Sociable Hermit says:


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23 Aug 2007, 6:44 pm

sociable_hermit wrote:
richard benson is a good bloke - he is staying off the booze at the moment, and I think he's become much easier to talk to, and more interesting, as a result. Not everyone finds it easy to communicate here on WP and meds, legal drugs and illegal drugs sometimes make things worse, though true enough sometimes they make it better too. Giving up alcohol is one of those things that sounds easy until you have to do it.

I don't always agree with what Richard says, but if everyone agreed all of the time then we'd never learn anything. Top marks for giving up drinking, I wish I had the guts.

Richard posted a picture of his penis on Intensity. He seemed proud of it.


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23 Aug 2007, 6:46 pm

Graelwyn wrote:
Ana- Make me think of a squirrel on speed...have so much energy, so much to say, no worries about what anyone says about you, so you are clearly at a point where words no longer bother you, sometimes maybe too honest for the liking of some, but that's refreshing in a way. Full of big ideas and don't care if they never come to fruition as the fun is in the planning and the plotting.

Machine1- Logic with a heart.

Kilroy-Can come across as too nice, but has the biggest heart of anyone on here. Not seen a nasty side yet, tho I am sure it is lurking there somewhere. Fun to roleplay with.

Starr-Spiritual, sweet, needs a lot of space, keeps a lot to herself rather than sharing, maybe for fear of ridicule.

Sinsboldly-Wise, but straight and direct, lot of inner pain still, if I might say that...needs to get writing that book! :D

Don't really have any insights into others right now.

I don't think there is a nasty side in me, anger and nastyness are very different...
I feel bad if I kill a fly :oops: