Very nice video. You remind me very much of my son. He would really enjoy your video. He always had a thing for snakes. I have three nice snake stories if you have the time.
1. My son (S) at age 8, finds a garter snake, fixes up a nice home for it in an aquarium, and keeps it in his bedroom. One morning shortly thereafter, I wake up, grope around the cold floor for my furry slippers with my feet, slide my foot into one and let out a blood curdling scream. My slipper is full of baby garter snakes. They were born in the middle of the night, crawled out of the aquarium and through a hole (hot water basebord pipe) in the wall that separated my BR from S's BR.
2. S is 9 yrs old. We're camping in upstate PA - Rickett's Glen. We're on a trail next to a lake. S is on his knees at side of lake, holding a small snake above the water. Park Ranger comes by and says "Son, do you know what that is you are holding?" S say's, "Yes, Sir, I do, it's a Water Moccasin." Ranger says "And what are you going to do with it?" S says "Throw it back in, Sir." Which he promptly does.
3. S is 10 yrs old. Two of his little friends tell me "We saw S's sneaks down by the creek in the cemetery." I say "His sneaks? You saw his sneaks?" I go into a near panic, thinking OMG, all that's left of my son is his sneaks (slang for sneakers), thinking he has drowned in the creek. I head towards the creek and see S walking towards me with a large burlap sack. He opens the sack and out comes two large boa constrictors. He wants to keep them. He is such a jungle boy, animals and wildlife mean so much to him. I used to call him Sabu. I guess I should explain, his friends had a strange way of pronouncing "snakes" which sounded like "sneaks". We had many adventures, or should I say the Boas had many adventures in our house for several months afterwards. S finally decided to give them to our local Wildlife Reserve and I'm not sure what happened to them after that.