How do you keep yourself on track?

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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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31 Oct 2024, 9:22 am

Recently I’ve been trying to find ways of achieving my dreams. I’ve always wanted to make content for things like YouTube. I’ve been slowly making progress but i feel like I burn out easily or get distracted.

I was wondering what are some types you guys use to stay motivated and keep on track to accomplish what you want to do.


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31 Oct 2024, 12:47 pm

I’m not always that good at this, but sometimes it helps to set mini goals with whatever I want to do because, for me, a big, overarching goal can seem overwhelming which can lead to procrastination/not doing anything. Breaking whatever it is into smaller steps and having a plan to accomplish specific steps on a certain day is something I like to do.

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31 Oct 2024, 3:44 pm

There's a track?


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31 Oct 2024, 3:49 pm

Here's the thing, I don't. 8)

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31 Oct 2024, 5:44 pm

Thegreatsamson wrote:
Recently I’ve been trying to find ways of achieving my dreams. I’ve always wanted to make content for things like YouTube. I’ve been slowly making progress but i feel like I burn out easily or get distracted.

I was wondering what are some types you guys use to stay motivated and keep on track to accomplish what you want to do.

Take breaks from your hobby. If you feel burned out, then go for a walk or do something else. Come back to it when you feel that ambition kindling again.

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31 Oct 2024, 7:11 pm

Some things that help me
the use of visual aids
Using visual aids suck as calenders (old school or modern google callender works fine the important thing is to remind yourself to check it), check lists and task boards.
These allow you to break up your grand goal into manageable steps. And allow you to determine how much progress you can make in a day
block out time
I find it best to allocate some time each day towards my goal and set an alarm for when i decide I've spent enough time, this allows focused work, while also encouraging me to utilise the time I've set as best I can. It doesn't need to be a lot of time. Some tasks I only set 30 minutes over the course of a couple days
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03 Nov 2024, 7:24 pm

Lately I've learnt to take life day-by-day and sometimes moment-by-moment. Some days it feels like '1 step forward - two steps back'. I get it.

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05 Nov 2024, 1:24 am

With a little help from my outreach worker.

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05 Nov 2024, 8:22 am

Start off with mini projects that you can complete.
Get into the habit of doing stuff to completion.

A great example of a small project. Pixar Lamp, 12 seconds