<sigh> I ran an old fashioned BBS back in the late 80's early 90's. You know, the kind one used to dial into with a modem before the internet took off; this was probably just a bit before everyone but Graelwyn's time (referencing only the posts above me). The old-school term for one who ran/moderated one of these was "sysop". Those who I chose to help me moderate the boards I ran were "co-sysops".
During the course of years from about 1988 to 1993, I ran four BBS's:
Subterranean Sanctum (running TAG)
Yorik's Skull (running Celerity)
Mirkwoord Forest (running Renegade)
Yorik's Skull v2.0 (running Celerity v2)
They all had very active discussion forums; people would flame-war sometimes, but it was never a great thing. The scope of those boards was rather local, mostly those who could dial in via a local phone call.
As far as I can recall, I've never been kicked off of or banned from anything. Though, I enjoyed seeing how close I could come to that line, sometimes. To be absurdly honest, the Wrong Planet is the first and only forum I've participated in since those old-school BBS days. This is an interesting and magical place; I never thought I'd feel at home with on an internet BBS. But, here I am. And, I've noted, the more things change, the more they stay the same. Fun stuff.
EDIT: Old login screens:
(Yes, Forsaken Anguish, and Damneatoa are both old pseudonyms of mine.)
Good fortune,
- Icarus the Sysop
Please forgive me if, in the heat of battle, I sometimes forget which side I'm on.
Last edited by Icarus_Falling on 13 Sep 2007, 12:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.