Wisguy wrote:
-Early July fireworks
-Bill Clinton not being able to run again
-The ability for the nation to assimilate any and all of its immigrant groups (some just take longer than others)
-The NFL
-Its vast and varied land and people
-Its long-term economic and political stability
-The ability for its politicians to admit to and accept election defeats
-The fact that far more people want to get in than get out
-The interstate highway system
-Its freedom of speech - and freedom to ignore the tin-foil hat kooks
-Its kewl flag
-The tall-building skyline of downtown Chicago
-Sweet corn in mid summer
God Bless You Mike, ok yes America is not a perfect Country but is any Country perfect? well of course not but ya know what if anyone expects a perfect Country they might as well leave Planet Earth.
Bottom line I do love America inspite of some imperfections, Yes I am well aware of the Slavery of the Past but several other Countries had their own Slavery issues too.
Furthermore it was not just Whites who owned Slaves because any Indian who was Taxed was legally allowed ot own Slaves, also any Black who was Free could own enslaved Blacks (and believe it or not that really did happen but is often forgotten in History cause of the concept that only Whites enslaved Blacks when it was not just Whites that did it).
After Slavery was outlawed by the Constitution there were several people who worked very hard for Blacks to have Equal Rights especially down in the South were Segregation was very massive.
And it was not just Blacks who fought for rights because there were Whites who fought for Blacks to have Equal Rights including an Uncle of mine who got arrested for giving a Cup of Coffee to his Black Friend in the Parking Lot of a White's Only Restaurant.
We certainly have worked hard on repenting to past mistakes but unfortunately there are people out there who wanna make Americans feel guilty about being American.
And im like ya know what inspite of some Past Mistakes, I am proud to be an American, I am proud to live in a land where I can vote for whoever I wanna vote for without having a Gun held to my head (when Russia was Communist they would have only one name on the Ballot for Office, a Gun held to your Head as you Voted and you have to Vote for the only Candidate for Office or else go to Jail or be Shot to Death).
Heck when Iraq was ruled by Saddam the last time Saddam won an Election he got 100% of the Votes (only because you had to vote for him or else Imprisonment or Death), but ya know what though, if he was allowed to run for office now he would lose for sure.
I talked to a guy who fought in Iraq and he said things are better than the Media portrays, yes there is Insurgencies but most of these Insurgents are not Iraqi at all but rather they are from places like Iran, Egypt and even The Phillipines (which is a shocker cause last I knew Catholics outnumbered Muslims in The Phillipines).
The same guy said that on the other hand a lot of the Iraqis have been great and a lot of em do thank Bush and America for freeing them.
Before I even came across this Veteran of Iraq War I saw a News Clip of a Woman in Iraq who appreciates her voting rights that said Go to Hell to anyone who was ungrateful to Bush and America.
And quite frankly I do find that some Iraqis seem to be more grateful for voting rights than those in America that moan and groan about their candidates for office losing Elections.
I do love it though when a Candidate for office is willing to accept defeat, I ran for Local Office before myself (Did not win with the execption of I did win a Primary before once but still lost General Election, but heck a Primary win was my 1st Election Victory).
Heck I accepted the fact I lost cause bottom line the voters made their choices, I do appreciate that some people did vote for me though which shows that hey I happened to have some support.
Ya know what in 2000 before New Mexico was handed to Gore there was talk of having Bush and Gore come to New Mexico to play a Poker Game to determine who got the New Mexico Electoral votes and I had to laugh and thought to myself I would love to see that a Poker game to determine who gets New Mexico's Electoral Votes.
Ok anyways I know im rambling on here but yeah I love the fact that in this Country you can belong to whatever Party you wanna belong to, vote for whoever ya wanna vote for, practice whatever Religion you wanna practice.
I passed out Campaign stuff at a Concert this weekend with the intention of at least letting People know things before they make a decision on who to vote for.
It would have been nice if the opposing side had been at the concert too but they haven't really targeted my town for campaigns much anyways which is a shame.
Heck my current Governor is refusing to debate with the man im voting for and I think a debate should occur too so everyone can get a chance to hear both sides debate each other.
I remember at my College 5 years ago we had a Panel talking about Genetic Engineering where we had 2 persons that were in favor of it (one who is a Professor at the College and the other who is with the Monsanto Company), and 2 persons against it (1 a Woman from Canada who worked in Biotech and calls herself a Recovering Scientist and the other an Organic Farmer, I liked the Organic Farmer's Speech the best).
When it came to when each Panelist would speak on the issue I can't remember exact order we went in but like it went 1 speaking for then 1 speaking against and so forth cause the Organizers of the event did in fact want everyone to have a chance to hear both sides.
Oh yeah and I do love the fact that in addition to having a right to say what you think you also have a right to either agree with a statement or disagree with it (sadly some Celebrities out there act like Free Speech applies only to them and moan about having Free Speech when they get word that someone disagrees with them and wishes to smash their CDs or DVDs).
Heck as far as im concerned Free Speech is a 2 way Street and no law says I have to listen to the Music of The Dixie Chicks (who recently made a song called Not Ready to Make Nice which quite frankly in my opinion is gonna damage their career even more than when they bashed The President at a concert in London).