I think that my earliest memory is when I was lying on a bed in my parents' bedroom, I think my father was lying on the bed too, and my mother said that she was turning off the light and pulled the chain hanging from the light fixture and turned off the light. veryhing was blueish, darkish... even when the light was on it was still dark... I think that it's because babies don't have developed sight at that stage, so I think that was my earliest memory.
I also had a memory where I was lying in my crib dreaming of being in the jungle with the animals... some of it was cartoon, some real... some surreal... I was naked... I wished I had something, something was missing, I was naked and had nothing and no one... but I was happy... I was running around with the animals in the jungle, over ponds, swimming or floating or running or creeping or crawling so fast I was swimming through the air over ponds and stuff... the animals were my companions... it wasn't human companionship; I was just aware that they were there, that they were alive and had feelings like me, though I may be more aware of our companionship... just running around with them, or even just in their presence, was stimulating for me... I woke up in my crib and was upset that I wasn't there any more; I started crying. My mother came in, picked me up, then put me back down and left me alone.
I also have other memories of myself in a crib... I remember standing in my crib looking over at my stuffed animals which were lined up against the wall on the floor, and I was yelling and crying because I wanted my mother to come get me and take me out so that I could play with my stuffed animals... I also remember me crying at night, my mother coming to get me and bringing me into her room to sleep on her bed with her, I was still crying because I wanted to be comforted more, she wanted to sleep though and told me to stop crying or I would go back to my crib.