Don't know of the shows mentioned in original post. Was fan of "Space Academy" (1977), though I barely remember it now, since it was on when I was 4 ! Just looked it up & found entry on the show:
Also watched (live action) "Captain Marvel" though unsure whether it was actual show or just filler between programming (think it was reduced to that in later years). I insisted on calling him "Captain Marble", not "Marvel". Also was confused as to whether his name was "Shazam !" instead, since that exclamation seemed to keep cropping up.
"Isis" was another one of my favorite shows at that age.
Enjoyed "The Bloodhound Gang" on PBS's "3-2-1 Contact", though that segment of show was always too short. Drives me bats seeing "to be continued", meaning I won't get answer until next day or next week.
*"I don't know what it is, but I know what it isn't."*