thechadmaster wrote:
richardbenson wrote:
could you imagine if there was a white celebration month? like hispanic pride and african american month. there'd be riots everywhere. i personally think that segragation is a fact of life, maybe racism takes it too far but in any big city you have the blacks living with the blacks, the whites living with the whites, the italians living with the italians etc etc etc. we should all try to get along though
EXACTLY! Separate But Equal was a great philosophy, but was poorly practiced.
What ive never understood was why a black man can call a white man "honky" or "cracker" but a white man cant call a black man a "n****r"
Michael Richards (Cosmo Kramer) Rules!
Separate but equal leads minorities to feel inferior - even if the institution is equal. And it makes corruption far to easy. And it impossible for two racially separated facilitites to be truly equal.
In the end, you have to blend every race together, the best way to end racism is to get everyone to have children with those outside their race to the point the races are muddled you cannot tell one from the other anymore.
Also, the KKK is merely an extreme right wing white supremacy terrorist organization. A history of lynchings, overly "patriotic" (When you hear that word somebody is after your rights) and rabid anti-catholic sentiment. I personally support making membership a felony worth two decades in prison, they should be treated like any other terrorists.
How good music and bad reasons sound when one marches against an enemy!