Martyboi wrote:
Hi woodsman,
I really sympathize with your addiction to painkillers. I was seriously addicted to them myself until 6 months ago. That's when I started a medication called Suboxone. It is a partial opiate agonist, which means that it only targets one type of opiate recepter (there are several types of opiate receptors in the brain). Anyway, it "tricks" the brain into thinking that it is getting a lot more opiates than it really is. I swear to you, I did not have any type of withdrawal symptoms at all when I started this drug. It also has an anti-depressant effect in me, and it cancels-out the sedative effect of the strong psych meds I take. It is truly a miracle drug for me and many people I know. My next-door neighbor is also on it. He was addicted to heroin for several years, and it worked equally as well for him. He no longer takes it, but he claims he has never had any problem with cravings, and has been opiate-free for about 9 mos. Not all doctors can prescribe it, though. The doc has to be an addiction specialist, a pain management doc, or a regular doc who has taken an 8 hour class. There is a website you can go to: - you type in your zip code (if in USA), and the computer will pull up a list of docs in your area who prescribe it. (Im not sure that address is correct - if not, let me know and I will look it up). Best of luck to you, dude.
NO, I am not a pharmaceutical rep, and no one is paying me to say this. (I got accused of that on another board once.)
Hello, I appreciate both the information and your concern, at this point I feel while it is a problem that it is something I can handel myself. I dont like the idea of telling drs about my issue because I obtain these pills illegally. What I need to do, now that my consumption is stabalized, and their are times where I actually dont take them so thats good, im not dangerously addicted then, but I will start every week reducing my consumption by $3 weekly or the price of 1 pill so that over the course of several mounths i take less and less, but by an insignifianct amount, i may feel it a bit, but I feel I was always a healthy person and while I still am this stuff can take that away from me, not to meansion a good chunk of my income is wasted when it can go to other things like bills, investments, ect... My life is currently in control, i want to keep it that way, and have a plan to reduce my consumption, in fact today I already took 1 less then usuall, so im not outa control.
Thank you, I will address this problem before things go bad for me, I know what I want in life and these pills can take that away, and if im not successful b4 winter time of reducing my consumption by 50% or $40 a week then I will copy and paste your link (which i already have done) to my desktop and will have to accept intervention.
I realize how stupid i can be, and now ill pay for it, but I want to be the one (currently) to fix the problem, if not, then ill ask for help.
Welcome to WP BTW, i did not think you were pluggin anything, i look forward to reading more of your posts.
DX'ed with HFA as a child. However this was in 1987 and I am certain had I been DX'ed a few years later I would have been DX'ed with AS instead.