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Mountain Goat

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05 Jun 2019, 7:23 pm

It is all too easy to judge a countries leaders but many times we do not realize how difficult their jobs maybe. Changes can be hard to administer in a democratic country. One has to convince a large grroup of people, many whom have other interests to pass ideas before those ideas can be tried, and such ireas which seem good at the time may not work out the aay one had planned, as lets face it... It is not until ideas are tried for real and we get proper feedback then we get to know if they were good ideas or not. And it can be like living in a spiders web where one either is strang willed enough to rip oneself out of the web and make a stand (Where people may not enjoy the fact that one may have just rocked the boat) or one ends up hemmednin on all sides trying to please everyone but getting no where fast.
Then we see those who govern by kingships which today we call dictators. (The only difference being that one has descended from a royal family line and the other has not, but go back in history and they were all called kings or queens). Ok, in such a position one has a lot more freedom in theory, but one has to have a very firm hand especially as a dictator, as if one is seen as weak then there is soon a challenge for the leadership and a real danger for ones life. We may not see the half of what such leaders may face and have to deal with at times. We may see some terrible things and think "Isn't it aweful" but have we seen the full picture? Who else can see the full picture but for the leader him or herself and God?
I have thought long and hard about diffeeent ways of governing a country. Democracy is not an ieeal system. Things take a long time to impliment and can be open to corrupting influences. If anything, if one looks at a monarcy rule or a dictator, and the ruler has dwalt witn corruption under him/her, this system is less prone to corruption, as anyone found to be corrupt can quickly be removed and dealt with. With democracy it is far more difficult. Corruption can be almost tied in with expert corrupt lawyers at hand to get corrupt officials off the charges... Money talks!
I looked at the good points and the failings of Communism. In an ideal world communism works great. In our real world things dont always work in the same way, so communism has to be a little more flexible to make it work effectively.
USA has a good system in theory as there is a constitution. It is not an actual democracy as the constitution overides democratic rule, but it is close to democracy. Britain claims to have a democracy, but since Britain sided closer to the EU when Tony Blair decieved the British people and sold us into EU slavery without permission from the UK people, (Which in itself can be challenged by the Magna Carter, as Britain is not allowed to be ruled from outside these shores and anyone living here does have the athority to challenge any laws made outside the UK... But the UK gets round this by taking the EU laws and voting them into UK laws seperately)... But if one examins how the UK is actually governed today, the closest way to describe it is a democratically elected group dictatorship. Yes, everything is democratic, but as we no longer have full free speech we have a group dictatorship. We also go directly against the majority vote to protect minority groups, so this in itself stands against democratic rule. Then how did we used to have a democracy? We used to rule by the old saying. "Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me". In other words, we were able to stand for whatever we wanted to (Assuming we were elected in by enough voters) and it didn't cost to stand so it was a proper democracy rule. Today it costs a fair sum of koney just to stand, so only the wealthy in Britain can stand, therefore already one as a class system where those who are really struggling get no say (As who can really understand the challenges the poor face unless one is poor?).
Communism has difficulties of its own as everyone is different. Communism ideals habe been adopted in recent years into British and Americal politics, especially in education, so the new generations are being raised in communistic ways while saying democracy. In other words there is confusion. And likewize communism has adopted democratic ways to help it address the inflexibility of hard line communism.

Question. What then is the best way to rule any individual country? My conclusion is rhat it depends on the general character and ways of the people in each country. The greatest mistake of all in recent years has been for the west is to wage war on a country that has had a different form of government (Waging war may have been justified so I wont comment about that bit), and eeplacing it with a democracy, when the people are not ones who will work with democratic rule. In other words, they are not ready for it. It can take generations before proper democracy can be established, and not all a countries peoples can live by democratic rule. Some need a hard line dictatorship to prevent major crimewaves from breaking out.

So to sum up, leadership of any country of any form of government is a very difficult task and never as easy as one may think, and every country will only thrive when its governing style brings law,,order, peace and just the right form of flexibility to suit the peoples needs.


Joined: 25 Nov 2016
Age: 60
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07 Jun 2019, 9:34 am

I agree. That's a headache I certainly wouldn't want. No introvert could stomach that kind of thing and would even test the patience of the most extroverted person.