What pushes you to do anything in life, apart from pure physical needs which require satisfying, however summarily, in order to survive?
Motherhood drives most of my daily activities ; making sure my son is fed, clean, watered, educated ( he's homeschooled), exercised a bit, ferried ( on foot) to 3 classes for some social activity, etc.
Otherwise there is a lot of pain avoidance, and curiosity, within the limits set by avoiding pain!!
For example i am fascinated by how people work, but can hardly bear their company, or if i do enjoy it i cannot "see" them like that anymore cos i'm too tied up in responding to them!!
Fame, money, fitness, ( and assoc "beauty"), attract me , but don't manage to drive me. ( sadly ! )
Driven to do almost nothing by ... well, maybe doing nothing is what happens if nothing drives you.
I don't know.
If you're not convinced by anything is inactivity what happens?
Jim Carrey said "desperation" drove him. But it was to help his mother, so was love or something ?
What do people think? What drives you?
And say if it's not on the list of choices!
Last edited by ouinon on 22 Nov 2007, 12:14 pm, edited 3 times in total.