batista90 wrote:
i dont really care about ghost since i havent meet even one and im 17

though i would like to see one(and then douple my medications

) but if u tim like ghost then i really recomment movie called exsortic...any one whith bad nerves should not look it....seriously i was 2 nigths paranoid after it

Ghost towns have nothing to do with ghosts. They are towns that have very few (1,000 or less), if any, inhabitants. In the U.S., many such towns were incorporated between 1840 and 1900, and were often associated with the mining or oil industries. Many of these towns were in the western U.S., or Texas or Oklahoma. Some towns, like Virginia City, Nevada (which also gained fame due to the TV show "Bonanza", which aired from 1958 to 1973), had populations reaching 30,000 at one point. When the mines became exhausted, or when the automobile and airplane reduced demand for rail services, the economies of these towns suffered greatly, and the residents left the towns in search of work elsewhere.
Today, some ghost towns are major tourist attractions (like Virginia City, Nevada, Tombstone, Arizona, and Deadwood, South Dakota) and still have some inhabitants. Others, like Rhyolite, Nevada, have no inhabitants and most buildings are in total disrepair or partially collapsed. Still others, like Arispe, Texas (about 100 miles east of El Paso), only consist of a railroad switch and a spot on a road map.
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