Hi Spokane, I think you are committing a logical error. Even though the chance of getting hit by lightning is slim, it can make sense to curl up into a ball. This is because the consequences of getting hit are so big.
Fabricated example. I just made these numbers up.
Event 1: Getting hit by lightning while standing up in a storming field without shelter.
Chance of getting hit: 1 / 500,000
Result of getting hit: Severe, life-long injury and disability. 10% chance of death.
Event 2: Getting hit by lightning while crouched down in a ball in a storming field without shelter.
Chance of getting hit: 1 / 1,000,000
Result of getting hit: Severe, life-long injury and disability. 10% chance of death.
Even though the chance of getting hit is pretty small, it may make sense to take action to make it even smaller if the result is disastrous. Why take a 1 / 500,000 shot at severe disability when you could make it a 1 / 1,000,000 shot?
When you evaluate the potential benefit or harm of any situation, you must weigh two factors: The chance it will happen and the magnitude of the benefit/harm if it does happen. Multiply these together to get an "expected value" of the benefit/harm. Then compare this against the cost of the alternative.
For example, this is why we wear seatbelts. The chance of you actually needing the benefit of a seat belt during a given small car ride is very, very small under normal circumstances. But when it actually used, it can provide enormous benefit, like saving your life. The cost of clicking it on is so small, it makes logical sense to wear, even though it is very likely to not have done any good for more than 99% of your car rides.
I hope that makes sense.
For actual Lightning data, look here: http://www.lightningsafety.noaa.gov/ams ... ng_rec.htm. If caught in a storm with close lightning, they recommend 1.) Going inside 2. ) Getting in a car and not touching the steering wheel 3.) Going to high ground and staying away from trees 4. ) Balling up while crouching (only your feet are touching the ground.)