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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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20 Feb 2008, 9:09 pm

....because off and on for the past year ive been getting dizzy spells and a feeling like my sinuses are expanding in my head. she diagnosed me with allergic rhinitis and post nasal drip so now i take nasonex, clarinex, then a round of allegra-d. i can understand allergies making my sinuses feel blown up but the dizziness? how does that work? the doctor was real short with me so i didnt get much information out of her. she mustve been in a hurry to get to the next patient. anyone else get dizzy or know anybody who gets dizzy from allergies? this is spooky.

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20 Feb 2008, 10:10 pm

SirJoseph wrote:
....because off and on for the past year ive been getting dizzy spells and a feeling like my sinuses are expanding in my head. she diagnosed me with allergic rhinitis and post nasal drip so now i take nasonex, clarinex, then a round of allegra-d. i can understand allergies making my sinuses feel blown up but the dizziness? how does that work? the doctor was real short with me so i didnt get much information out of her. she mustve been in a hurry to get to the next patient. anyone else get dizzy or know anybody who gets dizzy from allergies? this is spooky.

are you on any medications?

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20 Feb 2008, 10:12 pm

I once went in to a doctor with nausea and dizziness and got diagnosed with a sinus infection, so maybe?


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20 Feb 2008, 10:52 pm

Here's a copy and paste that explains it, I can't find my words brain froze around noon. :roll:

Allergies can cause changes in the inner ear fluids or middle ear pressure because of swelling of the Eustachian tube and production of fluid in the middle ear.

I have problems with something called Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (had to google the name)...basically I am fine for months or a year...then one day I look up at a plane or tilt my head the wrong way and my world is spinning and it stays that way for awhile...then things spin when you look up, turn your head too quick or roll over in bed. There is an exercise I do that helps it to go away.

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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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20 Feb 2008, 11:32 pm

epley manouver? is that what its called? to rampion rampage, no i wasnt taking meds but now i am. i guess i just find it fascinating (and spooky) that allergies would make me dizzy. i thought all it did was make you sneeze and stuff. yeah i hear crackling every time i swallow, and that must be my eustachian tubes. whatever im allergic to, its annoying. i feel like im on a boat, and the inside of my head behind my face feels like its being inflated by a bicycle pump.

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21 Feb 2008, 12:11 am

Found the name of it... Brandt-Daroff exercise. You do it by lying down on the bed on one side a looking up at an angle...then you sit up and do the same on your other side..makes you really dizzy doing it, and takes some time to work...but it clears it up for me.

Used to spook the heck out of me minute I'd be fine, then I'd look up and suddenly I was sitting down on the ground and everything was spinning. Any of the neighbors who saw me where probably thinking "oh my, look at that...she's drinking again :roll: ". :D

*Normal* is just a setting on the dryer.