I like to read and learn about AS, and like to read about preparedness . So it seemed to me that Aspies need to be more prepared than others since they often have loss of focus , and may have other problems that makes them more at risk in emergencies .
Preparedness is not something very hard to understand . It is nothing but common sense. All it means that you think ahead of time and figure out whatever any kind of problem ( or emergency) that can happen and then prepare for that possibility. For example, if you are a college student and spend some evening time in parties or college library ..etc. then it is very wise to have a small flashlight and a small bottle of water in your backpack.
Anything can happen anywhere anytime. From a stuck elevator, to a maniac starting shooting while you are in college or shopping mall. If that happens and you find your self separated from fiends and family : do you have a cell phone to tell eveyone what is happening or that you are OK and they shouldnt be looking for you ? do you have a bit of extra cash to leave the immediate area in a bus or taxi ? Do you have names and phone numbers of friends and relatives around ? Have you taken a first aid course lately ?
It isnt about carrying a pile of gadgets, but a few things help . News have taught us that a human can find him/her self in a deep trouble faster that anyone can possibly imagine. I read about a lady driving back home from work and her car skidded in a ditch because of the slippery ice. She remianed trapped for a few days and even police suspected her husband for a while before she was found barely alive. If she had a WHISTLE , a simple whistle, she could have alerted searching teams who coulnt see her from the nearby road. Had she had a small knife, she could have cut the seat belt that locked and refused to unlock. If she had a small flashlight, maybe she could have used it at night to signal where she was.
Again, it not about having your pockets full of gear and tools ... they can help but there is no substitute for a humming brain. I once raead about a Brazilizan boy who fell in a hole in the ground. He shouted and shouted an no one listened. Off course, he cannot keep shouting all the time . He had nothing on him to help him climb out, however, he thought of something. He started throwing his clothes outside the hole ( perhaps putting some dirt in the shirt to give it some weight before throwing it up. Then a passing villager noticed the clothes around the hole and looked down.
Now tell me, what do you think about PREPAREDNESS ?
I dont move anywhere without my small bag of necessary items. A small flashlight, a small knife, a few small bills, a small notebook and pen, a small book of phone contacts ..etc. They go with me everywhere.
Also, in my office where I work, I have collected old "lab coats" that we were going to throw. If something happenes and I have to sleep in the office, then I can wear one or two and pile two more for a pillow and use another one as a "blanket". In my office desk I always keep a few water bottles and a few long-lasting foods like power bars , granola bars, crackers ..etc.
How about you ?