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29 Mar 2008, 11:23 pm

Would they want to be friendly? Helpful? Would they really want to eat us? Would they be scared of how violent we are? Would they lend us their technology so we could all live in Peace? So we journey through the Universe like they do? Would they be fascinated by things we take as mundane, like paint ???

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30 Mar 2008, 12:39 am

They would all convert to ISLAM!! !


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30 Mar 2008, 12:50 am

If they do exist,I hope they are friendly like the aliens in the movie Artificial Intelligence. I really do hope they aren't like the ones from Mars attack....That would suck.

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30 Mar 2008, 12:50 am

Well, if I was an alien, I'd probaly be scared to death of people. Then again, I'd probably colonize the entire planet and diminish anything that regarded the cultures of mankind. :alien:


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30 Mar 2008, 1:01 am

welp, that's the question, isn't it? We don't even understand Canadians, how could we understand aliens?...;)


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30 Mar 2008, 1:56 am

What language do Canadians speak anyway?
French or Enlish?

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30 Mar 2008, 2:09 am

If aliens came to Earth and came to my house...

I would serve them coffee and show them my photography.
They would teach me how to perfect telepathy, telekinesis, and Connect Four.
I would then show them the distruction of MTV on our culture and youth,
and plead to them to microwave Carson Daly's brain.
Then I would send them on their way with some
cookies and rice milk; as well gifting
my favourite B-52's complilation album.

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30 Mar 2008, 3:44 am

We're ALLREADY here! :D

But seriously...No one has any idea what would happen. While we all would like to believe that they would be peaceful, and willing to give us all their new technologies, you also have to think of the flip side of the coin.
I mean would we hand a chimp a loaded gun?
NO, cause we know the likely consequences of that action. So do you REALLY think that these benevolent beings are just going to hand us their technologies and trust us not to kill something with it.
If they really are more advanced they will be wise to the fallacies of Man, and keep their mouths shut.
And if our actions with other species is any kind of guideline, they are just coming to to do something horrid to us, the same as we do to any other species that we feel is inferior to us in any way.
I read somewhere that if they did actually come it is likely that because whales have a more complex language than humans (Whales scored 14, humans 10) it is very likely that that is who the aliens would choose to communicate w/ judging them the most intelligent on the basis that their language is the most complex. Can you imagine what the whales would say to them about us? I can.
Sorry so long :oops:

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30 Mar 2008, 3:52 am

Pretty sure they don't exist to be honest.

There must be about a billion cameras and a trillion phone cameras plus millions of videocams ....... and not ONE conclusive picture of an alien .... EVER ! !! !!.

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30 Mar 2008, 4:07 am

Pretty much every scientist in the world now acknowledges the probabilities of life on other planets.
Here's a link to Drakes Equation that makes it mathematically clear the possibilities of alien life. It doesn't have to be an little green man in a spaceship to qualifiy as "life" you know. ... ation.html

If I could go anywhere in the known universe I hardly think earth is where I'd be spending my time. The vanity of Mankind amuses me.
And just because we haven't seen it yet , doesn't mean it doesn't exist, it just means we haven't seen it yet.

Did I dream this belief, or did I believe this dream?
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If only closed minds came with closed mouths. Lau: "But where would they put their feet?" Postpaleo: "Up their ass."


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30 Mar 2008, 7:20 am

Zincubus wrote:
Pretty sure they don't exist to be honest.

There must be about a billion cameras and a trillion phone cameras plus millions of videocams ....... and not ONE conclusive picture of an alien .... EVER ! !! !!.

Could that be because the nearest planet where intelligent life might exist is several lightyears away? Even if aliens exist (And chances are they do seeing how rediculesly big space is) they aren't very likely to know that we exist.

If aliens were to come to earth, chances are that they will look at the internet before making contact with us... although if they saw the internet they might now want to get anywhere near us.

Once I knew everything, then I got smarter, now the only thing I know is that I know nothing.
Strange how that worked out isn't it?


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30 Mar 2008, 9:00 am

They would show up, sit back, observe our behavior, and then leave. Because unfortunately, they may only get a view of how mainstream society acts towards each other. They may not bother to stop and get to know anyone individually. Then, they would leave shaking their heads in disbelief at how we treat each other and the silly things the mainstream does do to keep themselves entertained.

It would be like showing up at a party and being bored to tears and irritated because there’s nothing worth getting involved in because of all the fighting and gossiping going on. You just pack up and leave. No sense in mingling with the party goers if this is how the majority of them act.

“Oh lord! Do you think we should stay?”

“Err… No, I’ve seen enough; let’s head over to other planet with intelligent life. Surely there’s something worthwhile there.”

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30 Mar 2008, 9:12 am

I would hope they would try to save us. I don't believe aliens frequent earth but i did see something interesting on the history channel, on one of those mystery shows. It said something about the south american rain forests and massive wetlands having extremely high ufo activity. I thought it was interesting because so many species are being wiped out there and it is also such a great representation of humanity. Perhaps if there are any aliens checking out earth they are trying to catalog species or check for anything interesting before we destroy it all, or they could be curious as to if we will destroy it all or not. Maybe we are on intergalactic trial and don't even know it? :?


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30 Mar 2008, 10:20 am

If they were the creepy type they would watch our every move...

8O Who knows? Maybe they already are!

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30 Mar 2008, 10:38 am

I dunno, I think they'd be quite helpful to us...


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30 Mar 2008, 10:44 am

If there are any out there, I think they'd catch on pretty quickly that we're quite destructive. So if they're peaceful, they'd go somewhere else. But if they're aggressive, they might take us as a challenge.

I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow. I feel my fate in what I cannot fear. I learn by going where I have to go. ~Theodore Roethke