Do you get plenty of exercise? Do you have a good diet?
Those things can make a big difference in energy levels, I find.
Cardio exercise is excellent for increasing your energy. Try to get at least 15 minutes (or, preferably more, like 30, but 15's a good start) of cardio four or five times a week. Elliptical, running, cycling are all good. I prefer elliptical because I like to do a lot of cardio and it causes much less stress on the joints. Cardio helps you in so many ways. It can fend off depression, help increase energy, help the brain function (some new research indicates it can help the brain regenerate actual functioning cells and neural pathways), help the libido, the list goes on.
Also important to energy is protein and carbs. Make sure you get enough of both and that you have good protein for breakfast. When eating carbs try to avoid sugar that you find in soda and fruit juices. For carbs, try to stick to things like brown rice, wheat bread, whole grains, etc. They will last longer and won't cause your blood sugar to spike and fall. Also try to eat small, frequent meals. Try to eat at least something every four or so hours. That will prevent the blood sugar from ever getting dangerously low, which will cause you to perform at a suboptimal level and your energy levels to sag.
Nutrition and exercise baby! Remember, the things that you do to your body and how well you take care of your body affect you quite a lot.
Last edited by frankwah on 06 Sep 2007, 4:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.