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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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07 May 2008, 6:28 pm

If there are words that you don't like people to call you... what would they be and why?

I don't like it when people call me the following words:

1 Spastic* - I hate this word because I will be so angy that I won't eat or do anything
2 ret*d - because it makes me feel angry and hurt on the inside

There are other words, but... I can't think of why I don't like them... :(

* One time in college, about 3 years ago, I told a "friend" of mine that I don't like it when people called me that... and then on that same day at lunch time they told someone to call me that in front of every other student in the canteen and I just couldn't move I was sooo angry I just wanted to kill someone, but... that didn't happen...
But... I was with my REAL friends who just sat and watched me they too couldn't believe what they just heard... and they tried to calm me down but... I think they were scared of what might happen coz they moved away slightly... I understand why tho...
As they tried calming me... the guy who called me that name had only just realised what he'd done and tried to apologize, but... I couldn't even look at him...
But now I found that guy on facebook and he said he's changed since then and has also admitted to his many crimes of behavioural distrust ("bullying")... and I have now forgiven him :D
But that still hurt me... I think I started to cry... but... it was ages ago...

Anyway... please give me your take on what words you hate to be called?

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08 May 2008, 12:19 pm

i dont let words bother me. just yesterday some clown called me a fa***t from his car window because i was crossing the street and didnt cross infront of his car but instead crossed behind his car :lol:

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08 May 2008, 12:32 pm

richardbenson wrote:
i dont let words bother me. just yesterday some clown called me a fa***t from his car window because i was crossing the street and didnt cross infront of his car but instead crossed behind his car :lol:

You should have offered him a dictionary because obviously he doesn't know what this word means

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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12 May 2008, 9:19 am

GoddessofSin wrote:
richardbenson wrote:
i dont let words bother me. just yesterday some clown called me a fa***t from his car window because i was crossing the street and didnt cross infront of his car but instead crossed behind his car :lol:

You should have offered him a dictionary because obviously he doesn't know what this word means

thnx but I do know what it means but it was still horrible for that guy to have called ME that!! ! :evil:

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12 May 2008, 12:24 pm

I hate being called useless.

Even though I know it's true, having someone reinforce it makes it all the worse.

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12 May 2008, 1:31 pm

Spastic freak and ret*d. I hate being called those things. It's even more of a blow, when I come to trust someone and they call me one of these things. Thank god, that happened a long time ago, so I was able to put it behind me.

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12 May 2008, 1:46 pm

Brittany2907 wrote:
I hate being called useless.

Even though I know it's true, having someone reinforce it makes it all the worse.

Aww, you're not useless *hugs* your posts make me smile sometimes. :D I know that's probably not much, but you are worth that :)

and I agree that words are powerful. They can often be misunderstood, and that's when feelings get hurt :(

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