Have had a few close calls. Some car accidents and such. Once a bullet for some reason came back at me when it hit a metal target and slammed into the wall five inches above my head. That was a bit uncomfortebal. Have fallen through ice on river/lakes a few times as a kid, thats never a nice feeling, especially when you try to get back up and theres nothing but ice.
And got sick twice real bad when I was 14-16, dont remember the english name for it just now, but its an inflamation of the thin layer that surrounds the brain. Every joint in the body gets stiff and hurts like h*** and you get small spots on the face and neck. Anyway, was rushed to the hospital where they meazured my temp to around 42,3 degrees celius. That was real close, I was boiling and hallusinating badly I remember. Then they took a bone marrrow sample from my lower back, without anything to put me out, there was no time. That pain I thought might kill when it happened, that was strong, real strong *shrug*
Crushed half my face with my own knee one time (back flip on snowboard that didnt go as planned, first try ever), an inch to the left and I would have pushed my nose bone into my brain. A little to close. They had to put a balloon in there and pump it up to get the bones out and staple it togheter. Impossible to get an accurate MR scan because the nails makes some disturbens on the pictures I found out later. Still has no feeling in some of the nerves in my face. One lucky bastard.