Near death experiences (have you had any?)

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31 May 2008, 5:23 am

Have any of you guys had any near-death experiences?

I've had a couple near-death experiences where there was probably only 1/4 chance of actually escaping death.

The first near-death experience happened when I was 11 years old or so. I was at my moms BF's (at the time) and I decided to play around his farm. It was winter time and it was VERY cold (at least -25 Celsius or so). He had a big row of bales stacked as doubles not far away from his house and I decided to climb on top of them and play. I was walking on them for a while and finally decided to get off and go back to the house. Right after taking a couple steps I immediately sunk a couple feet and was stuck for a couple seconds. I tried pushing myself up but sure enough I fell in between the space of the bales and fell to the ground. When I got up I was covered in snow and didn't worry much at first since I figured that I'd be able to climb out no problem... Well, 6 hours later I was still trying to climb out. I started crying and felt hopeless. I'd lost all the feeling in my feet and hands and thought for sure I was going to die. I suddenly got so angry and wiped my tears away. I decided to not leave death as an option, so I viciously kept on trying again and again to climb out. Eventually I somehow made it. This was a 15 feet climb or so and to this day I don't understand how the hell I made it out of there. I'd never spoken about this to ANYBODY so you guys are the first to know about this. I hadn't told my mom or her BF about it because he would have gotten mad if I would have told him that I was playing on his bales.

After I had this near death experience I became quite religious and prayed regularly. I haven't been a Christian since I was 16 or so though, but this experience really made me believe that there was a god.

Now, this is my second near death experience:

It was a windy day and I decided to ride my bike to my friends house. After biking for around 10 minutes or so I gave up since the wind was blowing in my direction, making biking difficult for me. Right as I turned around on my bike a semi truck was headed right at me! I completely froze and quickly decided to turn to the left. If I would have taken an extra second to turn to the left, I would have been hit by a semi going 100 KM down the highway.

I'm lucky to be typing this right now. :lol:

BTW I had another near-death experience (sort-of) involving me getting severe alcohol poisoning.

Share your near-death experiences (if you are one of the lucky ones who didn't die) :lol:


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31 May 2008, 5:34 am

Have had a few close calls. Some car accidents and such. Once a bullet for some reason came back at me when it hit a metal target and slammed into the wall five inches above my head. That was a bit uncomfortebal. Have fallen through ice on river/lakes a few times as a kid, thats never a nice feeling, especially when you try to get back up and theres nothing but ice.

And got sick twice real bad when I was 14-16, dont remember the english name for it just now, but its an inflamation of the thin layer that surrounds the brain. Every joint in the body gets stiff and hurts like h*** and you get small spots on the face and neck. Anyway, was rushed to the hospital where they meazured my temp to around 42,3 degrees celius. That was real close, I was boiling and hallusinating badly I remember. Then they took a bone marrrow sample from my lower back, without anything to put me out, there was no time. That pain I thought might kill when it happened, that was strong, real strong *shrug*

Crushed half my face with my own knee one time (back flip on snowboard that didnt go as planned, first try ever), an inch to the left and I would have pushed my nose bone into my brain. A little to close. They had to put a balloon in there and pump it up to get the bones out and staple it togheter. Impossible to get an accurate MR scan because the nails makes some disturbens on the pictures I found out later. Still has no feeling in some of the nerves in my face. One lucky bastard.

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31 May 2008, 8:05 am

1) nearly got heat stroke because i ran out of water on a boy scout campout at MIS would have died if they werent practicing because there was an amulance

2) about a month ago got hit by a car while delivering newspapers and was NOT wearing bike helmet. My head landed on my paper bag and i was able to go to school in 4 days

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31 May 2008, 9:01 am

nodice1996 wrote:
1) nearly got heat stroke because i ran out of water on a boy scout campout at MIS would have died if they werent practicing because there was an amulance

2) about a month ago got hit by a car while delivering newspapers and was NOT wearing bike helmet. My head landed on my paper bag and i was able to go to school in 4 days

Holy, you're only 11 years old and you've almost died twice. That was around the same age that I almost died (two times). :lol:


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31 May 2008, 9:58 am

At age 9, I choked on a hard candy. It was lodged so firmly in my throat that no one could get it out. I choked for a good couple of minutes, and I was pretty close to passing out because even though my eyes were wide open, everything was going dark. Luckily, I was out in public, and an EMT just so happened to be there. He hoisted me up onto his chest, gave me the Heimlich maneuver, and I swallowed the candy. I was so thankful to be alive!


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31 May 2008, 12:45 pm

Holy cats, this is my favorite story to tell. February 2, 2002 Colorado Springs, CO. I actually feel I did die and started a new life completely.

I was working a second job doing cleanup at a YMCA with a couple of buddies. We would get off work at about midnight and usually try to make it home as quickly as possible because we had to get up at six in the morning. For some strange reason that night both of the guys I worked with each drove their own car instead of the three of us going together. Well, being young and stupid and wanting to get home as quick as possible led to my two moron buddies racing down the road. The driver of the car I was in lost control at around 95mph. We spun a couple times then we were sliding sideways. I looked out my side window and saw we were heading straight for a tree. I was perfectly calm. I told God thank you for my time here and I'll see you in a minute. I wasn't going to go out without enjoying it, so I said weeeeeeeeee as we flew the last hundred feet or so and hit the tree. The car lined up with the tree so that it hit the side of the car two inches behind my head. It was a square hit, and the car wrapped around the tree. We were carrying so much momentum that the car spun around the tree and ended up 180 degrees opposite the side we hit. I was certain I was dead. When I disproved that certainty I became certain that I would soon be dead. As soon as I realized that I was wrong on that count too I started to laugh. I wasn't even injured. I was banged up and stuck, but I was fine. The driver had a bloody nose. The car was a mangled wreck. My friend in the other car called the ambulance before he even turned his car around to come back to where we were. We went to the hospital just to check, but really nothing was wrong with either of us. I was discharged at 02:02:02 of 02/02/02, and I went on my first date with my (now) wife later that day.

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31 May 2008, 2:37 pm

in Florida (i live in england) so i was in a manite tour boat and i was the side and it turned towards me my dad saved with me.
i didn't go in the water again :lol:

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31 May 2008, 3:08 pm

Other than my suicidal run when I was 17, nope!

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31 May 2008, 3:19 pm

The only one I've ever had was when I was still a child. My brother and I were firing his gun and during one of his turns, the bullet ricocheted off of some metal and came in my direction. The bullet went into the porch behind us and the hole was only a couple of feet from where I was standing.

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31 May 2008, 3:32 pm

I nearly got hit with a hatchet in the head...


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31 May 2008, 4:29 pm

Many years ago when i was five we spent the day at the beach.I had been to sunday school in the morning and listened to the bible story of Jesus walking on water.Such was my faith at that age I thought I could do that too.I remember stepping off the breakwater and disappearing below the waves.I wasnt scared it was like being wrapped in a soft blanket.In those days I wore ribbons in my hair somebody on the beach noticed them and i was hauled out unconsious.I was resuscitated but can remember being on the outside looking in.I have never feared dying.


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31 May 2008, 4:35 pm

supahneko wrote:
I nearly got hit with a hatchet in the head...

Now thats nasty


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31 May 2008, 4:39 pm

I almost drown once...I dived too deep in a pool, and I couldn't breathe. Luckily when I couldn't hold any longer and had to breathe in, I gasped water instead.


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31 May 2008, 4:42 pm

Alaspi wrote:
Other than my suicidal run when I was 17, nope!
8O I guess attempting suicide another near death experience I had too, though I found out the pills I took weren't as dangerous as I thought it was...


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31 May 2008, 9:28 pm

My mom considers the time I slit my wrists to be attempted suicide, although I really had no intention of dying that time.

One time I almost attempted to hang myself, though.


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31 May 2008, 9:40 pm

I accidentally overdosed once, about 7 years ago. I turned blue, my heart stopped beating,and I quit breathing for a couple minutes. Luckily, my friends were able to bring me back with CPR. I have no recollection of that incident.

About a year later, I had a friend overdose right in front of me. I was not able to bring him back. :(

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