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03 Jun 2008, 7:28 pm

What do you do about it?

I got to see Spokane again last week and yesterday and now I feel I am missing the city now.
All I can do about it is think about it, and know the city will still be there when I come back, it's not going anywhere.


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03 Jun 2008, 7:31 pm

Yeah, there was one town I lived in nearly 100 miles from where I am now about 11 years ago. It was just big enough to have whatever you needed yet small enough where the barber or meat monger remembers your name.

I just visit about once a year because I know there's no chance of ever moving back.

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03 Jun 2008, 7:33 pm

I miss a city, but in a different sense AND the normal sense... if that makes any.... .. . :roll:

That didn't make any :idea:

No I blew the fuse....

But what I miss is how the city used to be, and I don't live there now so I miss it in that sense too.

(Should I replace the word sense with snes?) Everyone loves Nintendo... right?

The city is full of horrible drug addicts but really there are some beautiful parks and monuments and stuff. Really sad.
I go there to see relatives.


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03 Jun 2008, 7:42 pm

I miss my home town Edmonton, I am living in a small minded hick town called
Calgary, with a lousy football and hockey teams, and the stupidest fans, and its
so dirty here, Edmonton is a nice clean green city, with the best parks, and its
easy to get around town, Calgary your stuck in traffic for 3 hours, breathing in
all that smog, it sucks.


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03 Jun 2008, 7:44 pm



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03 Jun 2008, 7:47 pm

New Orleans.

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03 Jun 2008, 7:49 pm

San Francisco :heart:


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03 Jun 2008, 7:50 pm

CityAsylum wrote:
San Francisco :heart:

Ditto. I visited there 12 years ago, and didn't want to leave.

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03 Jun 2008, 7:51 pm


So simple, it's complicated


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03 Jun 2008, 7:52 pm

Kilroy wrote:

Home of the Beach Combers


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03 Jun 2008, 8:02 pm

I have moved quite often in my life. Especially since I left my parents house 4 years ago. The last 4 years I moved 6 times and lived in 5 different countries and I will probably emigrate once again soon.

Living in many different places means you get to know many cities and somehow once you left you recall mainly the good times and lock away the bad memories.
Cities I think back off with pleasure (without saying "missing" is the right term):

- Ghent: my native city, an ancient city full of medieval architecture and canals. A really romantic place full of culture but also very vibrant and multicultural. Unfortunately I have bad memories on most other places in my native country and not that many positive ideas about the country generally.

- Istanbul: the city I miss most, I so much enjoyed life there and if it wasn't for visa issues I would not have left already. I want to go back there someday to live there again, the only city I actually would like to relocate back to.

- Belfast: I must say I was glad when I left because 2 years at the same place was just enough, but now looking back on it I sometimes do have a slight melancholic feeling. But I think I'd go back only as tourist.

I currently live in Berlin and like it really, but the desire to travel is stronger than that and I don't want to stay much longer than another few months. A year or so would be perfect. I think I will remember it as a very fine place though.

Missing is a too strong word though, apart from Istanbul I would not be keen on relocating back to any of the above places. In general I don't want to go back to my native country, I am glad I left.

I love frequent relocation and I want to continue my travelling lifestyle for at least some more years. Only Turkey is an exception, I would love to move back to Istanbul.

I can really say I strongly miss the Middle East, I fell in love with its culture and want to go back for a longer stint. Either back to Turkey, or else I would see Israel or Lebanon as very nice options. I miss the Middle East, here "missing" is an appropriate term for sure.

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03 Jun 2008, 8:47 pm

I really, really miss Houston. I've visited there at least every year of my life (lived there the first six) until two years ago. I'm going down twice this summer, so hopefully I'll enjoy it there. I absolutely love Houston.

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03 Jun 2008, 8:48 pm

I miss Rota Spain for the Feria de Primavera, the Punk Rock girls I hung out with, black marketing Winston cigarettes, the Club Gallistecano de Rota (cockfights) and the naive belief that I would learn "normal" someday. :D Even though two good friends and two acquaintances from my Squadron died and other bad things happened, for the most part living overseas was a blast! I would not trade the experience for anything. :D

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03 Jun 2008, 11:13 pm

I can't exactly say I in fact miss Toronto, but I always get this weird feeling whenever I go back and visit...I guess it's almost like something in my head that's been missing just clicks back into place and makes me feel um, satisfied maybe? I don't know, it's hard to explain. xD

I've also never really been able to 'connect' with any of the other cities/towns that I've lived in...which is kind of hard to explain as well. :3 I mean, I know that I live there, and I'm familiar with everything/everyone, but I don't really feel any sort of attachment to the area. Whenever I think about it, it just seems really obvious that I won't remember or care about Nowhereville once I've moved on...and so far it's been 100% true.

I even come to resent the place(s) after a while, for whatever reason. :lol:


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03 Jun 2008, 11:33 pm

Lightning88 wrote:
I really, really miss Houston. I've visited there at least every year of my life (lived there the first six) until two years ago. I'm going down twice this summer, so hopefully I'll enjoy it there. I absolutely love Houston.


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04 Jun 2008, 2:23 am

CityAsylum wrote:
San Francisco :heart:

I live there now, and I occasionally miss San Antonio, and the part of rural Maine were I lived for 5 years. But I'm definitely happy to be where I am and not in one of those places. The memory tends to be better than the reality, at least for the places in which I've lived before. :lol: