Being yelled at for a goof up, or dealing with "quiet disappointment"?
Today I may or may not have to deliver some bad news to a boss. He tends to be a "quiet disappointment" kind of guy and I find that somehow worse than the other boss who rants and raves if something goes wrong - maybe because I can tell when the latter is angry, but quiet disappointment I can't tell if he is more angry with me or with the situation (it compounds things because this individual always kindly lets me finish sentences and stories, and seems to understand what I am saying when others are interrupting and "helping" me finish up, sigh, so I feel like I am letting him down on a lot of levels). What ticks me off most is the mistake isn't even mine (although good luck getting the party who initiated the mistake to admit it), but since I am the last in the chain in this particular scenario, guess who gets to give the bad news, and also who is the least able to answer the inevitable "why did this happen" interrogations to follow.
Maybe that is the worst - having to explain Fingers crossed that there is a deus ex machina in place by the time I get to work...
People think there are four elements to the world; fire, wind, water and earth. They are wrong. There is a 5th element - surprise. - paraphrasing of Terry Pratchett "The Truth"