This thread is for those who knows other languages than English
I was in the mood trying the Google translator and made a test with Henriksson. This is what I wrote in his language Swedish
Hej Henriksson, Tack för beskrivning! Hur mår du idag, bra? Jag såg en video med dig på YouTube idag. Varför inte göra en ny video med din katt? Very Happy
(Hi,Henriksson, Thank you for description! How are you today, good? I saw a video of you on YouTube today. Why not making a new video with your cats?
Henriksson replied:
Henriksson wrote:
xalepax wrote:
Hej Henriksson,
Tack för beskrivning!
en. Varsågod.
Hur mår du idag, bra?
Jag mår bara bra, tack. Själv då?
Jag såg en video med dig på YouTube idag
Ah, vilken då?
Varför inte göra en ny video med din katt?
Kanske folk inte skulle finna det särskilt intressant... >_<
Anyway, this thread is massively off-topic.
And here is my reply to that:
Hej, jag är bra. Solen skiner, men jag är irriterad av den ständiga förseningar i min nästa video på YouTube. Men om jag slutar prata här så kommer det att dyka upp snabbare. Jag skulle definitivt vara intresserad av din katt video
I originally typed in like this:
Hiya, I am fine. The sun is shining, but I am annoyed of the constant delay of my next video to YouTube. But if I stop talking here then it will turn up faster. I would definitely be interested in your cat video
Whats my point with all this then?? To find out how good Google can translate. My experience of online translators is that they are stupid and cant translate properly.....
But its probably just my english that sucks from the begining translating it as crap, because I didnt type in the "the" giving the wrong translation of "description" for example...
Anyway, this was just another useless thread of mine and probably waste of time and space of WP....
*topic is likely to be dead within only hours, use to be like that with threads of xalepax and me killing them only by returning*