wanna know different kind of numbers?
ok so in every 100 years lucifer will rise and as the back of holybible says "Let him who has all understanding reckon the number of the beast,that number is 666 so every 100 year date says 06.06.06 last time that number was 6.6.2006 24:00 +0 gtm and it was all over Internet and tv so im luckky to be in ones who saw that number and remember it and i belong to ones who remember this ...u can count your self but u dont get date 666 every 100 year u cant get any other numbers every 10 100 or 1000 year scary
ok last but not least here is a consert i was when that day were[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYF9DoYggj8[/youtube]
followthereaper until its time to make a turn,
followthereaper until point of no return-children of bodom-follow the reaper