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18 Jul 2008, 4:20 pm

What some might see as "bad" grammar is simply merely non-standard English. Or non-standard whatever language. So called bad grammar is likely to just be local dialect, or originate from local dialect.

In informal communication such as this, things like capitalisation and punctuation, even spelling, don't matter. As long as messages are readable.

I have a theory though. Many people on the Internet in general are slack with capitalisation and punctuation when typing online, or have an apparent inability to use caps or punctuation at all. My theory is that people who are social butterflies are more likely to have this apparent inability or be slack, probably because they are more socially apt, than apt with computers or keyboards. Is it just me or does anyone agree? Because I definitely notice a difference.


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18 Jul 2008, 5:09 pm

Keeno wrote:
What some might see as "bad" grammar is simply merely non-standard English. Or non-standard whatever language. So called bad grammar is likely to just be local dialect, or originate from local dialect.

In informal communication such as this, things like capitalisation and punctuation, even spelling, don't matter. As long as messages are readable.

Agreed. Also, it's easy to forget that language is always changing, and what's seen as 'bad grammar' now might be standard in 20 years' time. Language change merits a completely different discussion though. :P

I have a theory though. Many people on the Internet in general are slack with capitalisation and punctuation when typing online, or have an apparent inability to use caps or punctuation at all. My theory is that people who are social butterflies are more likely to have this apparent inability or be slack, probably because they are more socially apt, than apt with computers or keyboards. Is it just me or does anyone agree? Because I definitely notice a difference.

Interesting theory, but I'm not sure if it's true. I wouldn't consider myself a social butterfly, and whether I am slack or not depends on the situation. Usually on IRC or other real-time chats, I am inconsistent with capitalisation and punctuation, because it's usually quicker to miss it out. But on forums, I usually use standard capitalisation and punctuation, and I rarely use abbreviations. Sometimes though, I'll miss out capitalisation for special effect, usually to show that I don't care much for the person I'm replying to. You, however, get full capitalisation as appreciation for you making your insightful and interesting post.

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19 Jul 2008, 7:42 pm

SabbraCadabra wrote:
MrSinister wrote:
In fact, I find myself editing them into a more readable state every time they show up in my inbox...

For bonus points, send them back to her 8)

Nah, I don't think that's going to happen any time soon - it's far too risky.

She might devour my soul in retaliation... and that's not a joke. 8O

Why so serious?


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19 Jul 2008, 10:10 pm

As long as it's readable and not totally butchered, I could care less.. It's not worth obsessing about in my opinion.

She Came From The Swamp. . .

19 Jul 2008, 10:20 pm

Yes I notice it but I ignore it. I also know it might be unintentional because I mistype lot of stuff too because I type real fast. I misspell things I know how to spell so I assume the same for others. That's why I use spell check.

I would go around correcting grammar and spelling but I know how annoying that be to the other people here so I don't do it. I would be annoyed too so that's how I know.


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19 Jul 2008, 10:32 pm

I am a grammar and spelling snob. It irritates my brain to see things misspelled. I don't mind it so much when it's informal, such as reading posts here, but there are certain things that annoy me when in a formal or publicized format. For instance, when ads take liberties with English, especially the tendency to remove the final 'g', as in "Finger lickin' good". Maybe it's an American thing, but I don't like the trend.

I'm in a master's program and have to write according to APA format, which is very strict, so I've gotten in the habit of being too critical. I have read my peers' work and some of it is cringe-worthy. It bugs me that people who are graduate students can't write at all. I've had to make an effort to not be too critical. I'm not perfect, of course, and my own writing is never perfect. So, while I admit I can be a snob, I also realize my writing can be critiqued.

Anyway, Digger left. That's too bad.


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21 Jul 2008, 9:51 am

Sora wrote:
Gifted people can have dyslexia too.

I don't care for how good or bad people write if they can't do better.

I'm one of those dyslexic people, I spell wrong and my grammar and specking is bad. But I don't use abreviations that often.

for example - I witre Oh My God (NOT omg) I may not always spell right but it's the best I can do, it annoys me when people miss out vowels to shorten words.


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21 Jul 2008, 11:13 am

Daran wrote:
Poeple do'nt speek english were i live, so i feel ecxjused. :)

Whenever I notice misspellings in norwegian Im bothered, but I dont correct people unless I know them very well or we are writing something together. I also would correct their sentences and suggest other ways to formulate them. I try to be nice and not instructive. My only intention is to help them though...


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21 Jul 2008, 11:18 am

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21 Jul 2008, 11:30 am

I correct people's spelling and grammar a lot.


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21 Jul 2008, 11:35 am

I dont underatnd puncuation and I say things backwards alot but one thing i cant stand is some people Ive meet like in prison talk like absolute trash and like 'shut up ya dirty btich' I think that


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21 Jul 2008, 9:09 pm

I am sorry fellow WP members if my grammar upsets you but my brain works differently I can read a sentence over and over and it sounds right IN MY HEAD no matter what. Yes I go back over for Capital letters and spelling mostly but suck at the other stuff as I said It sounds right in my head! :-) Sorry.


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22 Jul 2008, 12:00 am

I'm definitely a grammar snob. I always was, and four years of Latin made it worse! :) I actually hated Huckleberry Finn when I first read it because it was written in the vernacular. I've lightened up a lot since then, and now I actually enjoy dialects and our ever-changing language. One useful thing I learned in college is that grammar rules are constantly changing.

The post about the boss with bad grammar made me laugh. I actually set up my former boss' email with automatic spelling and grammar check and showed her how to use the features because her poor grammar and spelling were making her and her company look bad! :lol:

I've learned over the years not to correct or criticize others' grammar unless invited. It's like trying to teach a pig to sing -- you waste your time and you annoy the pig. :wink:

Autism Speaks does not speak for me. I am appalled to discover that Alex Plank has allied himself with an organization that is dedicated to eliminating autistic people. I no longer wish to have anything to do with Wrong Planet. Delete this account.

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22 Jul 2008, 12:26 am

digger1 wrote:
everywhere I look, I'm seeing misspellings, wrong words (homophones), inappropriate capitalization and so on.

I thought people with AS were as smart if not smarter than NTs and you know how dumb NTs can be. In their world, it's looks not brains that gets you ahead.

I think the English department only conspires to lower GPAs because they do not contribute to research or getting funds from the government.

I also believe they have ties to the Illuminati, and are inserting subliminal message into our brains in grammar school. They may have been involved in 9/11 along with Cheney and the Jews.

Last edited by Assburgerstew on 22 Jul 2008, 12:32 am, edited 2 times in total.

Tufted Titmouse
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22 Jul 2008, 12:31 am


My name is SATIRE. I am satirizing people who make fun of it, just like the article in the NY paper satirized the stupid fears ignorant people have for Barak Obama.


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22 Jul 2008, 7:34 pm

yeah i is one of da worst grammer snobs in existence so youse can all just relax now that im around.

That was painful to write. In all seriousness though, I do tend to be a bit of a grammer snob and correct people's grammer all the time.

Vale Omnes