Mine was before college, unfortunately, and as such it was retrospective that I was then, a computer gamer, mostly of the Command and Conquer series.
My current nickname is Ninja. Story behind that one is I took Taekwondoe (SP?) and kenpo for 6 and 2 years respectively, and on campus at my college, I have a bad habbit of sometimes sneaking up behind people and scaring them, not to mention that I wear a fedora, and this years halloween costume was me looking a tad.......well ninjaish. as i mentioned, I wear a fedora, and carry around a nerf gun a lot( for those of you in college who play it, Assassins). Not to mention my nickname carries weight, apparently. I went into the local coffee shop in town where I go to school at the other day after getting back from a camping trip, and the barista says "Hi Ninja." It's a well known fact taht more people at school and around town (pop 20 thousand during the summer.....come August....up a few) know who I am. Not to mention my friend who I hung out with the previous day, Im's me and says, "You are awesome, I was with friends last night who are jealous that I got to hang out with you." so not only well known, but celebrity status....two things which someone like myself (me being a former AS now NT with some AS quirks) who is A) very egotistical B) very prideful, and there's about two people who can take me down to size anyday, both of them lady friends of mine and C) the fact that I'm slightly not all that social unless i make an effort to (fall semester both freshman year and this past year I sorta stayed in my house on campus and didn't go out much cept for classes and food).
So. yeah. that's my story. Oh yeah, and my IM accounts all denote some various aspect of my ninja-ness
I want peace for all. Simple yet elegant.