Yeah, saw it on the news earlier, thats one crazy mf
But, as mentioned further up, i dont get some of it.
On a bus with almost 40 people, one man attacs another
man and cuts his head off, amongst other things, and what
do the other people do? They run like chickens. Not a
single one of them did anything other than saving their
own ass. Nice
had i been on that bus, i can promise
you i would have ran to the back of that bus, not off it.
Maybe i would get injured, so what, maybe i also could have
saved a guys life. It`s the fear that screws us up, we get
afraid and run away. Someone shows a knife? ruuuuun.
Its just dumb, what kids do when they have done something
wrong, they run so save themselfes, screw the others as long
as i`m ok. Makes me sick. I`m not afraid of people, i`m not
afraid of knifes and i`m not afraid of getting stabbed. You push
a knife in my face, i dont get scared, i get so angry you would not
belive it. And that has saved me a few times. Fear does very little
good to anyone.
This story proves to me that i am not insane for paying attention
to everything that happens around me all the time. I often see
problems before they occure because of it. I never use busses or
other transportation that is crammed with people, and if i have to,
i pay attention. I would never sleep on a bus filled with people, to
me that just insane to do. People are crazy and you dont know who
the crazies are unless you pay attention. Then you find it out the hard
way, when they suddenly rips your head off. I`ve dodged a few bullets
simply because i`m paying attention when theres people around, always.
I dont trust people and always asume they are scumbags until i see
clear evindence of the opposite. Works great, filters out the human crap
and leaves the gems behind. And there is alot! of crap walking around
out there, trust me on that one.