Irulan wrote:
Do you like giving pieces of information (for example information about yourself when someone asks you but not only) at one go or in small doses? I prefer the first way because I tend to perceive the latter as some sort of destroying some integrity - I simply don't like dividing things into pieces.
Have great difficulty "compartmentalizing" anything, including self-so I end up either saying too much-or too little, when it seems there's no way for me to answer sufficiently in the allotted time/space/attention span.
Circumscribed, narrow slices of my personality seem as if they'd give wrong (easy to misunderstand by others) impression-so I feel pressure to contextualize my responses, but that leads to "TMI"-which I'm not intending to inflict-only that I feel need to provide "background" through which to properly comprehend/interpret me.
"Incompletion complex" (being unable to finish things drives me crazy), one might call it ? Aaargh.
*"I don't know what it is, but I know what it isn't."*