I have an evil side, it begain when I took medication to not worry so much and it made me see how fun and easy it can be to be evil, mostly attacking other students. Sometimes I fear that it may be like a different personality, but I have tried to not let it control myself, I have often had myslef against my other side. I havent realy done much with it, mostly been urges to just abondon all of morals and do anything, but I remember attacking my brother and picking on people with mind games. I used to think as a kid that why would people in the movies do evil things, but with this side I see exactly why they do it, it is just so much fun, the fact that you can totaly be above others.
I have thought that maybe it has also manifested in me wearing black clothes and an evil looking beard, at the moment I am thinking of growing mustache which will make me look like this.
Through dream I travel, at lantern's call
To consume the flames of a kingdom's fall