886 wrote:
it's his house, he can do what he wants.
Yeah, but it's not that simple is it?
We're dealing with an Aspie here, and many Aspies have sensory issues.
What might be just mildly irritating for an NT, or even a different Aspie, could be, to this particular Aspie, something that sends them to the edge of reason.
Y'know how some people can't bear the sound of nails scraping down a blackboard, or cutlery squeaking or clattering across a plate...? Some people find such fleeting noises unbearable, and it sets their teeth on edge. Now imagine if that kind of thing sent you batty and imagine if it went on for about eight hours...
Sound bombardment techniques are used as psy-ops, like when they play Barney the dinosaur and other music over and over again, because military forces know that it has an adverse impact on people.
So it's not just a matter of 'it's just a bit of snoring, what's your beef?' - for some Aspies such noise can present a sensory issue, and even NTs can be driven to distraction by intermittent or occasional sounds, and military services use sound in their torture techniques.