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08 Dec 2008, 2:49 pm

I sought out and came to this site to get information.
I am extremely happy that I did.
I have learned a lot, most of it very helpful during my search for answers and understanding.
While a member of this forum I sought out and received an "official" diagnosis believing it would help me to understand the past 40 years of my life.
And in a small way it has.

I have also learned that I identify less and less with this "community".
And I have re-learned that ALL people have their foibles, their indosyncrasies and their talents. Not just "us" (refering to persons' with Asperger's) but ALL people.

Therefore, I have chosen to release myself from the stigma and classification of a person with Asperger's. I have chosen to no longer apply that label to my being.
I have chosen never to refer to an "us" and "them" or recognize those divisive labels from anyone else.
I have re-affirmed who and what I am: Just an everyday, average person trying to get by.
And I am moving on with my life.


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08 Dec 2008, 3:03 pm


That's great to hear.

I also came to this forum seeking information, and an explanation for things I've known and felt all my life, and I'm now starting to accept that I'm not an Aspie, but I've got a lot of traits, and I'm probably a little quirky neurologically. And it doesn't matter. Like you say, everyone has their difficulties.


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08 Dec 2008, 4:13 pm

I think I'm about to make that decision myself NQ, I don't feel a part of this community either nor do I want to get any more labels than I already have.


not a bug - a feature.


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08 Dec 2008, 4:44 pm

Awww, everyone good is leaving!
Anna, I really look forward to your posts. You're intelligent but down to earth, and amusing.
And NQ, it really sucks that you spent all that cash for a DX, but it didn't do anything for you. And I will miss you.

I don't usually answer in the "I'm leaving" threads.


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08 Dec 2008, 4:49 pm

cheers patternist :oops:

I'm not going to leave, I just need to establish a good distance from the whole AS-label. I hope NQ is just bluffing too :wink:

not a bug - a feature.


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08 Dec 2008, 5:21 pm

Good bye, Quilter :) I wish you the best. I've always enjoyed reading what you write even if I don't agree with it. I hope you find whatever you're looking for.

I've go to insert my opinion here, though. I don't think anyone can label you unless you let yourself be labeled. IMO you let the voice of the stupid people influence how you view this community. There are stupid people everywhere you will ever go and there will always be the 'us' vrs 'them' mentality whether its at work, among the gays, the whites, the americans, the religious, ect. The key is to just take what lessons you can learn from the topics discussed and let the small-minded hold whatever opinion they want. Lord knows, you won't be changing their mind anytime soon. That doesn't mean that you have to let them influence you or be considered one with them, though.

That being said, I understand how you feel and I wish you luck :)


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08 Dec 2008, 8:56 pm

Wow- such kind sentiments. But I never meant that I was leaving the boards. I, like Anna just need to re-establish my own identity away from the "Aspie" label.
There are way too many hang-ups with it, both internally and externally.
I'm just re-orienting back to the original me- just with lots more information.

08 Dec 2008, 9:45 pm

I'm in the same boat as you NQ, I also don't see myself as label and define myself by it. We are all different, we all have our own abilities and disabilities. We are no different than NTs, we are just as capable as making the same mistakes they make and being mean.

I do get tired of the superior behavior I see here. Lot of us act like we are better than NTs because we act like we don't do "this" and do "that" when we actually do just like NTs. So it needs to be people this and people that, not NTs this and NTs that.


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08 Dec 2008, 10:49 pm

Disappointment topic

I have noticed many leave WP because they somehow figure they are going to suddenly belong to a group. Aspies are not like that. I have been here almost a year and have never felt the need to belong or have my opinion validated. I state what I think, and people may or may not agree. I am not a joiner. I enjoy writing and reading. I respond to posts I want. Some disagree with me. Some do not. As in any forum, everyone is different.

I have a very strong personality, and do not depend on peer support. I have never had peers. I would not know what to do if I had them. This is a communication place. But I think some people want to "stand out" as unique even in a community such as this. I do not think that is what this place is about. Everyone here is interesting, each in some way, but I do not think it is a place to grab some sort of limelight or star status. Most people here eventually grasp this concept and either accept it or leave, disappointed.

As for me, I understand the concept but I have never experienced it, thankfully. But sometimes I would like a person not to go because of the interesting thoughts that will no longer be read. That is what is disappointing. Oh, well.

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09 Dec 2008, 12:26 pm

Oh, I see. I misinterpreted your post. Good to hear that you are not leaving. I agree with sartresue on this one. I love coming here because it gives me an opportunity to express myself with no strings attached. I used to belong to another forum and I would get attacked everytime I posted for expressing an opinion that was in opposition to another member's. That happens infinately less here and I am greatful for that. I don't particularly feel the need to belong to a group, nor do I consider myself to 'belong' here on WP but of course no one likes to be insulted and hated.

I came here in hopes to learn how to better cope with my limitations but it became obvious very quickly that this was not likely to happen. However, I have benefited from being here. Participating in this forum has made me realize many things about myself because I see myself constantly in the experiences that they post. I feel much more confident about myself and it helps to explain many of the communication walls between me and my husband and it helps me to be more patient when he doesn't understand me. Before this, I had assumed everyone thought like me so that means when my husband is too tired to clean the kitchen, he must not love me as much as I love him because I would clean for him if he asked because I love him! Logical conclusion if everyone thinks and feels as I do. Seeing everything within the framework of AS has helped me to recognise those things.

However, I do not ever see myself being diagnosed because I don't need the label. I don't ever see myself telling anyone of my suspicions. I, of course, do not think that 'we' are in any way better than 'NT's' and I struggle in understanding the prevailing attitude that autism doesn't need to be cured (or at least worked on?). I've got to say tho, NQ, that you talk alot about looking for the good in life and ect but it seems like you pick out the bad on here. It's easy to ignore those with the 'us vrs them' mentality if you completely lack that said mentality, don't look for it, and ignore it when it is blatantly presented. Seems to me like you might be taking it upon yourself to try to make them see the errors of their thoughts and if you know anything about human nature you should realize that you will never change them. So why bother arguing?

JMO, no offense intended :D

-EDIT- I just went back and read your OP

NocturnalQuilter wrote:
I have chosen never to refer to an "us" and "them" or recognize those divisive labels from anyone else.

That's exactly what I'm talking about :)