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17 Dec 2008, 9:05 am

I was in a school and someone said I couldn't have my other teacher back and someone would monitor my behavior. I peeked through a door and saw her teaching and later in the dream there was a bed in the classroom and she was laying facedown "asleep" I guess. Come to find out someone had stuck a gun to her back. (BUT IN the bed sequence SHE WAS NOT SHOT OR DEAD!! !!) Weird DREAM!! !! I'm the type that dreams get to me ALL DAY! Thanks WP members.


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19 Dec 2008, 10:14 pm

It all makes since now.
You said "someone had stuck a gun to her back".
Just because there is a gun stuck to her back, that doesn't mean that someone stuck it there, alright? Things don't have to be so violent, mmk?
So based off exactly what you said, maybe she picked up her husband who works at the shooting range. For easy access to weapons they usually velcro their guns to the walls.
So she was wating for him, and rested her back on the wall.
She may have forgotten that her shirt had thick fabric. And the gun stuck to her back, hence she "had stuck a gun to her back".

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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20 Dec 2008, 5:36 am

Several years ago, I had this odd dream where I was possessed by the devil. Everything looked cold and grey, and I cared for no one and nothing. As for the devil, are any of you familiar with the game Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos? If you are, than you know the scene where Prince Arthas loses his soul to the runeblade Frostmourne and becomes a Death Knight? Well I have met the devil and he is Arthas. :evil: